[-] gezepi@lemmyunchained.net 3 points 7 months ago
  1. It hasn't affected my ability to use a normal keyboard. Using my laptop to type occasionally probably helps with this.
  2. Can't help you, I stuck with QWERTY
  3. My favorite feature of my ergo keyboard is the fact that it is split, so I could see the appeal of a split but otherwise normal keyboard. But, I would recommend sticking with the Moonlander. It took me 2 weeks until I was comfortable typing after I switched. Not fast mind you, just comfortable. Then maybe another month until I didn't have to look down for special keys. Definitely a time investment, but worth it in my opinion.
[-] gezepi@lemmyunchained.net 10 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I tend to use glass jars for this. They are reusable and recyclable, you can see what's in them, they protect what's inside from getting crushed, and they're free if you repurpose jars that food came in.

[-] gezepi@lemmyunchained.net 2 points 8 months ago

Apparently the companies will adjust the ratio depending on how it is shipped and various other factors.

[-] gezepi@lemmyunchained.net 3 points 8 months ago

It took me about two weeks to get fully comfortable going from a normal keyboard to a Keyboardio. It was a long two weeks but I'm really glad I did it. And so are my fingers.

[-] gezepi@lemmyunchained.net 133 points 9 months ago

Is that an airplane seat in a house?

[-] gezepi@lemmyunchained.net 2 points 9 months ago

One Pi Zero 2W runs NodeRed to control a few lights in the house. Another used to run Octoprint until it recently stopped responding. I haven't gotten around to troubleshooting it yet.

[-] gezepi@lemmyunchained.net 10 points 9 months ago

It doesn't lead to a destination, and maybe isn't even a riddle, but a sentence I like is:

Is your answer to this question the same as if I had asked you to give me a dollar?

[-] gezepi@lemmyunchained.net 2 points 10 months ago

Possibly the two newer Zelda games.

[-] gezepi@lemmyunchained.net 12 points 10 months ago

If I remember the name correctly, "Sleep With Me" is designed specifically for this purpose.

[-] gezepi@lemmyunchained.net 7 points 11 months ago

This idea of complete control over your reality reminds me of the book/novella The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect. Suffice it to say the story suggests that such a reality would ultimately be meaningless.

I would say it sounds great though, even if eventually it gets really depressing.

[-] gezepi@lemmyunchained.net 12 points 11 months ago

Mindustry is a mix of a base builder and tower defense. It's also available for PC.

[-] gezepi@lemmyunchained.net 11 points 11 months ago

Embarrassingly it took me years to realize what that quote meant. I had always interpreted it to mean that the item is found in an unexpected place. But of course what it really means is that you stop looking once the item is found, therefore that's the last place you looked 🤦

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