[-] frog@beehaw.org 34 points 2 weeks ago

The following trait should be added under Sonic: "frees animals from villain who has turned them into robots".

And the following under Musk: "kills animals by implanting robot chips in their brains".

[-] frog@beehaw.org 36 points 2 weeks ago

AI is also going to run into a wall because it needs continual updates with more human-made data, but the supply of all that is going to dry up once the humans who create new content have been driven out of business.

It's almost like AIs have been developed and promoted by people who have no ability to think about anything but their profits for the next 12 months.

[-] frog@beehaw.org 37 points 1 month ago

People will stop believing a country is in recession when it starts to feel like they can actually afford to do the things they want to do, like live in a home and eat food once in a while. They are incorrect to believe that it's a recession causing their current dire circumstances, but they're entirely correct to believe that something is amiss when they're just barely keeping themselves alive. It appears to be due to Biden's mismanagement only insofar as Biden has opted for largely continuity neoliberalism, which is how things have been mismanaged for the last 40 years or so.

[-] frog@beehaw.org 38 points 2 months ago

A requirement to leave a game in a "working state when support ends" doesn't mean continuing support (ie, running the server). It means the game should still work when the server is gone, which means either fully offline play, or a means for players to run their own servers. That's the whole point of this campaign, which is taking place across multiple countries.

[-] frog@beehaw.org 35 points 5 months ago

Back in the early 00s (I think), there was a running joke about how the search engine Ask Jeeves had one purpose, and one purpose only: to amend any search to "where can I buy...?" Because no matter what you searched for, it would inevitably prioritise adverts and online shopping.

That's what Google is now.

I also use Ecosia now. It's powered by Bing on the back end, I believe, but the results are consistently better than what I get from Google. And it's like... okay, yes, this is the world we live in now, where Bing is more useful than Google.

[-] frog@beehaw.org 37 points 5 months ago

They recently refused to remove pro-Nazi content from their site, claiming that doing so doesn't make the problem go away so therefore there's no point in trying.

[-] frog@beehaw.org 39 points 6 months ago

Yep! Reddit is still pretty awful in many respects (and I only even bother with it for specific communities for which I haven't found a suitable active equivalent on Lemmy - more frogs and bugs on Lemmy please), but it did get notably less unpleasant when the majority of the truly terrible subs were banned. So it does make a difference.

I feel like "don't let perfect be the enemy of good" is apt when it comes to reactionaries and fascists. Completely eliminating hateful ideologies would be perfect, but limiting their reach is still good, and saying "removing their content doesn't make the problem go away" makes it sound like any effort to limit the harm they do is rendered meaningless because the outcome is merely good rather than perfect.

[-] frog@beehaw.org 38 points 7 months ago

While it may not necessarily be "superhero fatigue", it could well be correct to say it's "Marvel fatigue". It's not like Disney haven't been pumping out content for the franchise in enormous quantities, to the point that even those who don't really follow the franchise are aware that it's absolutely massive and there's a lot of content you have to consume if you want to actually know what's going on. This is always a problem with big franchises: either you have to consume all of it (which means you get tired of it quicker), or you have to skip some and then be confused later when suddenly there's a character or enemy or event or whatever that you're supposed to know all about, but you don't because you didn't watch that other series/film.

Superheroes aren't my favourite genre, but I like to dabble every now and then, and there are some superhero TV series and films that I have genuinely loved. But frankly at this point I wouldn't even know where to start with Marvel because there's literally too much of it. Keeping up with a franchise shouldn't be a full time job. But Disney is essentially assuming that everybody has time to watch everything it pumps out for its franchises, but somehow simultaneously never go "you know what, I've watched a lot of this lately, I'm in the mood for something else." The more stuff becomes required viewing, the more of the audience you lose due to people just not having enough time.

People could well be experiencing some Marvel fatigue without feeling superhero fatigue, just like I feel a little Star Wars fatigue while still being interested in other sci-fi. Disney want a monopoly on entertainment, but they also don't want to risk spending money on a wide variety of franchises in case some of them make a loss, because the short term losses on a few failed experiments are more important than the long term gains of creating something new that endures. So all they do is recycle the same stuff over and over, oblivious to the fact that audiences won't just keep buying the same stuff over and over. Marvel, Star Wars, remakes of animated films from 30-80 years ago... Disney won't take risks anymore, so they've over-saturated their own market with repetitive products that consumers are losing interest in.

[-] frog@beehaw.org 34 points 10 months ago

All the admins here have given me plenty of reason to trust that you'll make the right decision for Beehaw, whether that's staying or moving. This is a good place and I'll stick with you no matter what you decide.

[-] frog@beehaw.org 33 points 10 months ago

Pretty normal wording in scientific papers relating to animals, particularly in studies relating to traits humans share with other animals, like cooperation. It relates to the fact that humans are animals: the difference between humans and other animals is a matter of degrees of capability, rather than a binary presence or absence of a trait.

[-] frog@beehaw.org 35 points 10 months ago

I find it faintly amusing that, at least for me, the post directly below this one is "making large language models work for you". Clearly advice that the criminals have taken to heart.

[-] frog@beehaw.org 39 points 11 months ago

As a Brit who is old enough to remember the BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy/mad cow disease) epidemic, this is astonishingly reckless and dangerous. This is how you get prion diseases. And you don't necessarily know you have a build-up of deformed prions until decades later.

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