[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 127 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Sure, faith in the Supreme Court is down, but that's only because the court is dominated by judges who were appointed by presidents who lost the popular vote and didn't represent the values of the majority of Americans.

... Well, that and the fact that the conservative justices on the court openly lied about their positions on important issues.

... Or is it just that many of us are still pretty fucking outraged that they stepped in and gave the presidency to George W. Bush, who lost both the popular vote, and would have lost the electoral college vote, too under ANY AND ALL of the proposed ballot counting measures in Florida, had the court actually... You know... Not forbidden them from counting them.

... Of course it might also be a little bit about the fact that Republicans rigged the judicial appointment system to block a Democratic nominee a year from the end of Obama's term on the grounds that it was too close to an election, and rushed Trump's nominee mere weeks from an election, in the most nakedly hypocritical moment in Senate history.

...Then again, maybe it's just because the conservatives on this court have turned the court from an institution that protects the citizens and safeguards rights into an institution which strips rights away.

... Or perhaps it's just that they've thrown away any attempt to even pretend to be a serious judicial institution when they did away with the entire doctrine of standing when it suited their ideological purposes.

... Or maybe it's their use of the Shadow Docket to massively alter the laws of the land with quick, secret rulings with little deliberation or explanation, and which they don't even sign their name to.

Or, maybe it's just the tiny, tiny issue that they have been caught red-handed taking bribes in exchange for their votes.

Or, no... Could it be that AFTER being caught doing this, they have absolutely refused to step down, and refused to regulate themselves in any way, and ludicrously declared that even Congress can't regulate them?

Any of those things?

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 127 points 9 months ago

Moderate Republicans ARE NOT being held hostage by the alt-right Freedom Caucus. They could end ALL this nonsense by working with the Democrats instead.

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 108 points 9 months ago

I can't wait for her to be president!

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 166 points 9 months ago

The much, much, much more concerning aspect of voice cloning technology is that it will be used to scam people on a massive scale.

Imagine you get a call at 4am from a loved one who tells you that they are in an emergency situation and had to borrow a phone to call you. The beg you to venmo some money to a stranger's account so that they can get their car fixed/get a plane ticket/pay someone back for giving them a lift/etc.

You recognize your loved one's voice. They can respond to your questions (because chatbot AI). They know details about your life (because social media). It's the middle of the night. You're scared and not thinking clearly.

This technology all exists TODAY. In 10 or 20 years it'll be so terrifyingly sophisticated, even the most wary people will be vulnerable to it.

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 146 points 10 months ago

It doesn't matter

Their viewers literally do not care about the truth.

Their entire belief system would be unraveled in minutes if they took the time to look at any original sources.

The "do your own research" crowd isn't smart enough, or isn't inclined to do even the slightest bit of actual research.

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 130 points 10 months ago

There is no honor- none whatsoever- in the Republican party.

They want power, and they will destroy any good person who stands in their way.


[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 112 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

The guy attempted a coup. He should be on trial for his life right now... and still 30+% of Americans might support him.

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 141 points 10 months ago

Republican officials, even after the insurrection, are using violent rhetoric. This is deliberate. They want the crazies from their party to engage in terrorism.

This is a party who wouldn't even impeach and remove Trump after a violent coup.

It's insanity that we're not treating these people like the full-blown fascists they keep showing us they are.

That entire party needs to be purged from every level of government.

People who still call themselves Republicans after the coup are a disgrace. They are traitors.

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 145 points 10 months ago

This is what Republicans want for all of us.

If Republicans win the next election, they will institute a national abortion ban without exceptions for rape or incest.

If you want to stop this, the only way to do so is to vote for Biden. I really hope people understand this.

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 157 points 10 months ago

I will never, ever understand how the entire Republican party lined up behind this guy.

Before Trump was elected, they were all vocal about how unfit he was. Too stupid. Too rude.

Then he got the nomination, and they all bent the knee, and became so loyal to him that they protected him from facing the consequences of his insurrection, even when he put their lives in danger.

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 117 points 11 months ago

Pence: "Trump tried to overturn the election. And when Democrats wanted to investigate it, I refused to testify. Anyway, vote for me!"

[-] flossdaily@lemmy.world 117 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I pay $22 per month for the family plan because I don't want my kids or my folks to have to be constantly inundated with ads. And I enjoy being and to play free music that is exactly the songs I want.

I was really upset when they raised the price on me, and kicked me off the grandfather plan. But in the end I decided it was still worth it.

But what the real cost to Google is here is that they have evaporated my loyalty and good will. I now see them as a company that will squeeze me when they know they can get away with it, and that my loyalty and being an early adopter means nothing to them.

That will definitely affect every future buying decision I make for future products and services.

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