[-] flamboyantkoala@programming.dev 1 points 9 months ago

Coming back to code after a year is hard regardless of language. I’ve had C code I came back to after a year that was dead simple language feature wise but hard as hell to follow business wise. I would actually argue more modern features like Union types in typescript has actually made it easier for me. “Oh this function has to handle two cases of objects an object with an id and without an id”

[-] flamboyantkoala@programming.dev 2 points 10 months ago

Oh totally seen it work myself but I don’t know that it was agile that worked as much as they had a kickass team.

Some teams just jive well. They communicate, they know what each other is doing, and they can plan with minimal waste. And when it’s successful that’s across all roles not just the devs.

In my opinion those teams would have succeeded in waterfall, kanban or their own home brewed strategy as well.

[-] flamboyantkoala@programming.dev 1 points 10 months ago

Oh totally seen it work myself but I don’t know that it was agile that worked as much as they had a kickass team.

Some teams just jive well. They communicate, they know what each other is doing, and they can plan with minimal waste. And when it’s successful that’s across all roles not just the devs.

In my opinion those teams would have succeeded in waterfall, kanban or their own home brewed strategy as well.

[-] flamboyantkoala@programming.dev 2 points 10 months ago

Interesting you prioritized pointing out on time delivery as opposed to maximum value.

Hits a sore spot, I’ve delivered a lot of useless stuff on time with agile teams. We could have been useless even faster without the meetings.

[-] flamboyantkoala@programming.dev 1 points 10 months ago

Not insulted at all. Grew up in Church of Christ and I can tell you that church did not match me. There’s a lot to what didn’t match me but let’s go with the overall close mindedness of it was a problem for a curious mind.

As soon as I was old enough not to go, I didn’t. Atheism for the next two decades until I found something was missing. Explored other churches and found a non-denominational that matches my views as well as doesn’t judge me as a heretic for questioning.

I think it’s unfortunate many of us grow up going to a specific brand of church. What worked for our parents in their situation may not line up either with our personality or the world we live in today.

[-] flamboyantkoala@programming.dev 0 points 10 months ago

I won’t argue that religion hasn’t been usurped throughout history in the name of control. I can mostly only speak with any confidence on Christianity. The Bible regardless how holy and true we are told it is has no doubt been tainted by men throughout history.

There’s still plenty of good in religion despite that. And I don’t think it’s wrong to believe there’s more than what we see. What life looks like after death is a mystery. Science points to your body shuts down. Fact. But we can’t say with any certainty that’s it.

From my experience a healthy church encourages my skepticism. It’ll encourage asking tough questions. It helps me to explore what I believe. The reward when doing that exploration seems to vary from one to another. Myself I became more resilient to the day to day troubles around me that were too big. Me yelling in the void of social media doesn’t change much about issues like global warming or people in need. I can reduce my consumption I can repair instead of replace. I can volunteer my time to help kids who’s parents can’t take care of them. The universe as a whole will be a little better for it

Not all need religion, I accept that, some people have all they need to get by and will cruise from now to the grave. But to some of us it is a major force for happiness and healthiness.

[-] flamboyantkoala@programming.dev 1 points 10 months ago

To counter the core of what I felt this comic is saying. Religion can be replaced by Science. Right now it can’t.

[-] flamboyantkoala@programming.dev -1 points 10 months ago

I go to church but don’t fully buy into church and I don’t think you have to. For instance when they talk about god, I replace with universe. science hasn’t disproven it.

Jesus. Maybe son of god or maybe just someone with really good morals and wanted us to love each other. Either way someone we should hold up and adore.

I was defined atheist at one point in my life. Now I’m somewhere in the middle. Churches and religion offers a lot of good things. Community being my favorite. Americans don’t find many reasons to get together but church is like heyo it’s potluck time every other week. Delicious food and good people.

[-] flamboyantkoala@programming.dev 1 points 10 months ago

I guess it’s all in the interpretation because I heard it as the government spending money to keep the fat fat. Paying for their fudge rounds instead of either a) putting them to work or b) restricting them to a healthier diet.

Nah not equivalent. I’ve worked on rust for side projects and a few lower level networking things. Hard to get equivalent experience because my regular job is probably 60% frontend webapps.

Typescript being everywhere with strong libraries for even brand new tech is why I think it’s a great general purpose language. Whatever new product I’m integrating with always has a JS or TS library.

You don’t have to convince me Rust is a better language in so far as what it provides the programmer to make a working and correct program but I’d argue it’s not the best general purpose yet for many reasons that go beyond the design of the language and engineering. Such as availability, clients who pay me for code, and third party libraries

Probably should clarify. I think there are better languages in design and safety for backend.

However when it comes to a language you can pick up and crank out code for JS/TS is hard to beat. There’s libraries for everything and if your a full stack dev your probably really familiar with all the ends and outs.

If I have time and I want to make a solidly engineered product Rust is a better option. But often I’m pressed for time and TS can make a solid enough and performant enough product.

Typescript has many shortcomings. About every language does. But it’s an undeniable very strong benefit that you can code the front and backend with it easily. It runs everywhere. It’s reasonably fast, for aws lambdas I found it had really good cold start time. I suspect because node is built on V8 which is highly optimized to get code running asap.

That accessibility and versatility makes it in my opinion the best general purpose language right now.

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