Have you considered Proton Pass as an alternative to BitWarden? I made the switch recently and I’m much happier with the integrations.

Which vendors specifically?

Using soap is more effective, but not required to clean.

They have 4 games so far in the Amnesia series. The latest one was released last month, but it didn't give me a lot of the original Amnesia feeling.

I'm sure I had plenty prior to this, but it's the only one that I can remember vividly enough to write down. I remember I had taught myself to recognize when I was dreaming. I was probably about 9 years old, and it was in the early 90s before I had even heard of lucid dreaming, I couldn't take control of the dream, I was more interested in just waking myself up to get out of dreams. I remember that I had woken up from a dream in the middle of the night and looked down the hallway toward my parents room. It was dark but they had a nightlight in the hallway so I saw something moving and thought that I heard my mom coming toward my room but when I saw her she was a huge bug wearing a nightgown instead and then I woke up again.

I think they mean it slows them down even more.

It’s not selfhosted.

"You can keep your mask on, I actually prefer that"

I also wanted something like this, but I don’t want every single community. I ended up making a not account that I use to subscribe to random communities I might have a fleeting interest in, but don’t want in my subscribed feed.

If there's already some old solder where you have to solder again, add a little new solder it before removing the old. Make sure that the pad is clean before you solder your new piece in place. Heat up the metal and touch the solder to it, don't try just heating up the solder and letting it drip on.

I don't know what you mean by "siringe instead of fat" though.

Seems like a "it's easier to just turn that feature back on than try to fix what it broke" kind of thing.

You've got one right here!

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