[-] fernandu00@lemmy.ml 24 points 1 week ago

Yeah..in my country it's almost mandatory to have it or you won't talk to anybody..it's the only message app most people know.. It's like windows to operating systems..people just use it and ignore that there are different ways to communicate. I tried to use other apps like telegram or signal ..nobody wants a second app to send messages..too much trouble

[-] fernandu00@lemmy.ml 34 points 2 weeks ago

The only thing that keeps me with subscriptions is the cartoons my daughter watches, because they are hard to find dubbed in my language (Portuguese). It's still more convenient to subscribe than try to find the dubbed cartoons online. For everything I watch I use my arr stack.

[-] fernandu00@lemmy.ml 24 points 1 month ago

Nice NFT collection you got there. If we were back in 2022 you'd definitely sell them for some eth.

[-] fernandu00@lemmy.ml 19 points 6 months ago

We definitely are! It's been a week since I got some sleep ... It's been 37°C to 40°C every day in my city and most people don't even have AC... I don't..

[-] fernandu00@lemmy.ml 33 points 8 months ago

I hate super hero movies ..do you know what I do? I don't watch them..there's nothing to be saved ...studios will stop making those terrible movies once people stop watching them..if there is a lot of audience there's no meaning in stop producing..

[-] fernandu00@lemmy.ml 61 points 8 months ago

Retiring doesn't seem like an option from my perspective.. Better start gaming now

[-] fernandu00@lemmy.ml 33 points 8 months ago

That's why I moved to fedora recently...didn't like to see 30 or so mounted filesystems every time I did an fdisk -l to mount some disk

[-] fernandu00@lemmy.ml 23 points 9 months ago

I use openboard but it gets me mad sometimes when I start deleting characters and it removes the space between the last word..sometimes it's really annoying!

[-] fernandu00@lemmy.ml 23 points 9 months ago

I went to the comments to ask if she meant ext3 or ext4 but after a moment I figured it was just external abbreviation.. Made a lot more sense 😅

[-] fernandu00@lemmy.ml 27 points 9 months ago

I've been using DDG for a year and like the search results but what bothers me is that you can't exclude a word from your query with minus sign!

[-] fernandu00@lemmy.ml 23 points 10 months ago

I use a monetary argument.. If my data can become revenue to the company then I must have a part of this revenue ..if they are not paying me for my property (my data) then I should keep my data from them

[-] fernandu00@lemmy.ml 24 points 10 months ago

No more computer graphics intense movies with bad scripts about super heroes?That'd be soo sad 🤣

submitted 11 months ago by fernandu00@lemmy.ml to c/selfhost@lemmy.ml

Hi guys! I have several docker containers running on my home server set up with separated compose files for each of them, including a Pihole one that serves as my home DNS. I created a network for it and a fixed IP but I couldn't find a way to set fixed IPs to the other containers that use the Pihole network. Well everything works but every now and then I have problems because the Pihole cant start first and grab the fixed IP and some other container gets its IP so nothing works because everything depends on the Pihole to work. My Pihole compose is like this:

`networks: casa:

driver: bridge
    - subnet: ""



My Jellyfin container as an example is like this:

`_networks: - pihole_casa dns: -

networks: pihole_casa: external: true__`

I read the documentation about setting fixed IP but all I got was using one single compose file and with 12 containers that seems like a messy solution.. I couldn't set fixed IPs with different compose files. Do you guys have any suggestion about it?


TLDR: I want to set fixed IPs to containers in different compose files so all of them use Pihole as DNS and don´t steal Pihole's IP in the startup

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joined 1 year ago