[-] erwan@lemmy.ml 23 points 1 day ago

Unfortunately boring distributions don't get recommended because users of boring distributions don't bother commenting on distribution discussions.

And it's really unfortunate that obscure distributions have more vocal fans, because boring distributions are much better for beginners.

[-] erwan@lemmy.ml 12 points 3 days ago

My car (Citroën) has a contact less key, I don't have to get it out of my pocket and the car automatically opens.

But it still includes a small physical key to open the car when the battery (of the car or key) is dead.

[-] erwan@lemmy.ml 14 points 3 days ago

Luckily not even the Cybertruck is immune to those

[-] erwan@lemmy.ml 3 points 5 days ago

Don't try zsh, because you won't be able to go back to bash after that 😉

[-] erwan@lemmy.ml 11 points 6 days ago

GOOG-411 was created specifically for Google to gather voice samples, with different ages, accents, etc. to train voice recognition. It was never for the sake of providing a service.

[-] erwan@lemmy.ml 2 points 6 days ago

You don't need Windows for gaming.

Sure, some games only work on Windows but some only work on Switch or PS5 and you can still play video games without playing those in particular.

[-] erwan@lemmy.ml 51 points 1 week ago

Use Firefox if you want but don't donate to Mozilla. Money doesn't go to Firefox development anyway.

Also if they can afford to pay their CEO $3 millions a year, they don't need your donations.

[-] erwan@lemmy.ml 62 points 2 weeks ago

That's the thing, you think that because they keep saying they like their country more than the others, a foreign leader who hates and want harms to their country would be their enemy.

The truth is (1) they get a boner for the authoritarian way Putin leads Russia and (2) Putin treats them well because he knows that strengthening those parties weaken the country they're in.

Also Putin hates EU, and they hate EU. The difference is that Putin hates EU because he knows that European countries are stronger together.

[-] erwan@lemmy.ml 147 points 1 month ago

Crypto means cryptography, stop using it to talk about cryptocurrency.

[-] erwan@lemmy.ml 55 points 2 months ago

It is very well produced but there is very little actual content. He kept showing the same clips and saying the same thing over and over.

Bottom line is "in Steam Deck reviews, media is claiming Linux is complex without any proof or example." You don't need 5 full minutes to say that.

[-] erwan@lemmy.ml 66 points 4 months ago

That's not how relations between employers and employees work.

It's like saying you don't need a democracy if the king cares enough about his subjects.

It might work for a time, but the power balance is such that you can't rely on the goodwill of leaders alone.

[-] erwan@lemmy.ml 154 points 8 months ago

So if the average is roughly 10/20, that's about the same as responding randomly each time, does that mean humans are completely unable to distinguish AI images?

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