You can clone a drive from one machine to another using "dd" and netcat (nc)
The commands should be run a root
Data on the destination device will be overwritten, so double-check that you get the right one (maybe check with "lsblk" etc)
The drive on the destination machine must be at least as big as the source
The data on the source device should not changed while it is being cloned. Make sure it has no mounted partitions (it's a good idea to boot from USB). Ditto the destination drive
The source machine must be able to reach the destination on the port specific (not blocked by firewall etc)
Data is sent unencrypted over the network, so make sure you get the right destination and your network is trustworthy/secure (you could so this over the internet - firewall rules permitting - but I wouldn't recommend doing so with a drive containing sensitive data and it is going to eat up bandwidth/data-cap)
The process....
On the machine with the destination drive, run the following (where 11111 is a TCP port the machine will listen on, and /dev/sdd is the device that will be cloned to. Data will be sent in 1M blocks).
nc -l 11111 | dd of=/dev/sdd status=progress
This will begin listening for data on port 11111
On the machine with the source drive, run the following (where is the IP address if the destination machine, /dev/sdb is the drive being cloned from, and 11111 is the port you used above)
dd if=/dev/sda status=progress bs=1M | nc 11111
You should see progress on both hosts as the drive from machine to the other
I'm wondering when this will simply be a feature of game engines, along with AI character generation, terrain/map generators, and AI-driven dialog.
I'm really on the fence about it since it really could put extra life into games where it just isn't normally feasible to make all NPC's unique, dialog etc so you end up with a lot of "I took an arrow to the knee" type dialog.
For smaller studios - or independent authors - the ability to generate high quality content with code could also be a real boon.
I'd still rather not see big studios just go with AI instead of real humans for design and acting though. That just leads to cookie-cutter bullshit and games that feel stale