[-] erik_houdini@lemmygrad.ml 10 points 5 months ago

love to see it

[-] erik_houdini@lemmygrad.ml 14 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

That military victory against true guerrillas is possible seems doubtful on the basis of modern experience, barring the use of methods approaching genocide,

War of the Flea, pg 26

"Clear and hold" operations, patterned on the French oil-slick technique, failed to remedy the situation, for the obvious reasons. The "clear and hold" strategy is always doomed to failure because the government, while strong enough to clear any given area temporarily, cannot hold many such areas without dangerously scattering its forces. In the face of a determined "clear and hold" drive, the guerrillas simply withdraw and redouble their activities elsewhere.

War of the Flea, pg 86

All reactionaries are paper tigers. In appearance, the reactionaries are terrifying, but in reality, they are not so powerful. From a long-term point of view, it is not the reactionaries but the people who are powerful.

Mao - "Talk with the American Correspondent Anna Louise Strong" (August 1946), Selected Works, Vol. IV, p. 100.

Take the Ultra pill, reject reformism. You have been watching a force of teenagers in adidas track suits with RPGs handling the most well funded and well equip military in the world, in urban warfare. You should be taking notes, Gaza is the climate plan, Cop City = Gaza Strip.

[-] erik_houdini@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 5 months ago

Yeah, death squads would absolutely be spun up. Keep the military from getting their hands dirty.

[-] erik_houdini@lemmygrad.ml 14 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Asked this in my group chat, figured I ask it here as well. Why don't any of these parties apply anarchist tactics within the party frame work to build dual power and do praxis? My experience with organizing IRL is mostly stuff like Food Not Bombs Things like tactical urbanism

I see this a lot in my neighborhood, most of the bus stops lack shade or a place to sit, so you'll have old and disabled ppl forced to stand. Saw a old lady with a walker having to wait like that. Tactical urbanism would be getting together and building benches for those bus stops no cross walks in my neighborhood, we could fix that

communists tend to be more educated than average, we could be helping people get their GEDs, holding classes funded and organized by the party, this appeals directly to the masses, you help someone get their GED? You'll have a loyal comrade.

I have a friend who is a school teacher, a science teacher. She has four classes of students, each with about 30 kids in it. She's given $300 at the start of the school year to buy all of her supplies. Not only would it be an incredible propaganda win to go, Hey, look, the Communist Party is supplying schoolteachers with the supplies to teach your kids. Because the current regime won't provide for your kids. You see what I'm saying? We have to build that dual power. We have to improve the material conditions of the working class.

I mean, this could range from anything from helping the homeless have food in their belly, setting up mobile libraries, setting up coat drives, cooling centers, building bus benches, running workshops, building impromptu third spaces, guerrilla gardening, lot cleanup, Alleyway restoration. Like, if a party has numbers and has people paying dues, those people should be being put to work, and those dues should be being spent building the dual power and improving the work that can be done.

To me, if I join a party, that's what I want to be doing. I want to be put to work. I want to be with a leadership that is trying to get work done. I'm trying to stack W's, and my concern is that I'll join one of these parties, and we'll just be selling newspapers, which is, I guess, important. I mean, I run a blog, but I want to do things that I couldn't do alone and have zero interest in reformist electoralism within this settler state. Maybe they do these things already and I'm just ignorant.

[-] erik_houdini@lemmygrad.ml 11 points 5 months ago

This is what I tell myself, because I don't really have any interest in material goods, but money gets you resources. You know, I have friends who $10,000 gets them the healthcare they need. If I got $10,000 and I could just give that to them, that would be amazing. That would be worth infinitely more than a new car. That would be worth infinitely more than a Camaro. Just having a rough go at it lately.

[-] erik_houdini@lemmygrad.ml 14 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

The settler dream remains the same, 40 acres, a cleared lawn and no people around.

It is no shock that the number one complaint in our settler state by the proles is that they can no longer afford to own stolen land. Bribe us, they beg, we need our treats!

I feel uneasy when they speak of these dreams, even among my friends. I do not care to own a home, or land. I do not dream of being a landlord.

How can one possibly solve this issue? How does one change the hearts and minds of the settler? How do you make them see that the alternative - community, is better than material isolation? I do not know.

[-] erik_houdini@lemmygrad.ml 11 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

See this, with Israel, this is like collective cuckoldery. It's like we're all collectively, as Americans, sitting and watching our wife get fucked, and going, well, you can do it better than me anyway, so it's all good. Motherfuckers in Israel got universal health care, they got a child care stipend, you know, the same one that they repealed for us not too long ago, yeah, they got that, they got free college, you know, all types of stuff that we are always told we can't afford. So these people would rather their, rather Israel's kids have a future than America's kids. You ain't gotta be a communist to think that that's fucked up. You ain't gotta be a socialist to go, hey, why do you want, why do you want the bull's kids to have a future, but not your own kids, you fucking cuck?

30k to give birth in America, Free in Israel. Our taxes.

[-] erik_houdini@lemmygrad.ml 10 points 5 months ago

"Why are you a commie?" I like winning.

[-] erik_houdini@lemmygrad.ml 14 points 5 months ago

This is a massive propaganda win to delegitimize the Biden regime.

[-] erik_houdini@lemmygrad.ml 14 points 5 months ago

Ibrahim Traoré is one of the most important leaders of the 21st century and should be an inspiration to any young person who wants to see major radical change and his or her people better than they are.

[-] erik_houdini@lemmygrad.ml 14 points 5 months ago

The illusionary America we are lead to believe exists is dead. The "We beat the nazis and secured freedom for the world" America is dead. This was obstensibly our creation mythos. Our national myth. It was a way to restart the clock, sure our country was built on manifest destiny, ecocide, genocide, etc, but we redeemed ourselves!

If you're posting, you've long known of this farce. But the average American? It must be like whiplash to be fed stories of how we "beat the nazis" (USSR killed 75% of em) and "stopped the holocaust" (lol they let it continue even after knowing about it). And now see that no, America is a great evil, we have boots on the ground assisting in mass infant-cide.

The political line must be the dismantling of all settler-states. This is why no current party will deliver us revolution, they all want to be king of shit mountain. We need to clear away the shit, dismantle these settler states entirely. Just as there is no Israel, only Palestine, there is no America, only Turtle Island.

[-] erik_houdini@lemmygrad.ml 10 points 5 months ago

ISIS = Mossad

All eyes on Rafah, I have a feeling these attacks will serve as distractions from something much worse.

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