[-] eric2377@monero.town 6 points 2 months ago

I think we have that already. It's called 'Haveno'.

[-] eric2377@monero.town 1 points 1 year ago

Let's begin from the end of your post, shall we? I didn't perceive you as an 'arrogant prick' and I have not heard any other voices say so. You're just speaking your mind and that's totally ok. It was very entertaining and I get your point(s). I hope you're working well even when not under pressure or being fought against, because I'm not going to fight you :-)

Just as you send out your 'spearhead', I let loose my 'test-balloon' and it worked out both-wise I guess, lol. I just wanted to check out the waters about your irresistible chicken strips and I get 'my taste of it' (pun intended).

There is no reference to your previous post. I assume you are referring to this post ? It wasn't my intention to 'push back' on you nor to 'tear you down'. I wanted to raise awareness about numerous three letter organizations that will give you more attention than you want if you engage in any kind of sales transaction, i.e. transfer of any kind of goods in exchange for any consideration. I have to point out that this is not legal or financial advise. I am not a lawyer, never will be nor want to be one. I'm just speaking from my own experience during my long journey on planet Earth. If you want real legal advise, reach out to a lawyer.

You think the chicken strips might not cut it. You're looking for 'adaptability' and 'innovation'. Let's go for 'Pulled Pork BBQ' instead. All my points raised earlier still stand. You are still confronting the same problems. Three letter institutions will not leave you alone as soon as you make a move with any product that you can come up with. Even if your kitchen is movable. They will figure out where you move to next and will be waiting for you already before you arrive. That is the reason why you have to move away from the 'public' realm and go into a 'private' one. Everything that has the slightest smell of 'public', they will come for it. Reason for that is, every one of us has entered into a 'contract' with them without even knowing it. Most people just don't know this. According to that contract, you have agreed to certain rules they have set and which they constantly expand and extend. And they will enforce all of those rules. If you do something what they dislike and has no rule, they just make one up and enforce that then on you. You can not win as long as you play their game. The only way to escape is to go 'private', a realm where they have no power over. And, within this 'private' environment all members can offer and/or take or exchange whatever they want, without interference from anybody else. When it comes to exchanging values, there won't be any better way than to use XMR instead of any foreign fiat currency which they claim is theirs. We, the members, can roll our own currency. We don't really need theirs. Could be another 1778 without any blood shed, right? We just need enough members.

I am looking forward to your 5 year plan. If you go further down in details, which is needed from a certain point onward, I recommend not putting it out in public but talk to people or groups of people in private. May be some DM will do, but in my opinion text within a sturdy envelope and send via email does best.

If you want to keep me uptodate that way, try this: eric2377 via email. The fingerprint should be 9F25EE488F402AE044BC383727EF37106B1EF67F and you can be assured you talk to me. If you want to send out more spearheads.... you sure must do so here in public, but you know all that.

I can promise confidentiallity and will not be in competition with you or your ideas. I'm too old for that. But I might participate a bit if you want to. And yes, I am an Engineer too :-)

[-] eric2377@monero.town 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

You have me hacked... When it comes to beer-battered fried chicken tenders, I am all in. Nothing better than chicken tenders, I love them, although prices do get ridiculous lately. I would go all the way with you, but I see some minor problems here.

  1. As soon as I open a brick & mortar shop on the corner of my town and people are buzzing in and out and having a great time with their xmr purchased chicken tenders, some gang members of the local people extortion club will show up and demand money from me. Payable in US dollars, nothing else. They will threaten me to drag me out on the street and burn down my business if I don't show them all my books with the recordings of my what they call 'income' and pay them a percentage on any sale I make. Well, since XMR is all private and closed, I don't have anything to show comparable to what they demand: US Dollars, 'Green Backs', you know. How do I handle this?

  2. Those extortion clubs I just mentioned are very well organized. They don't come just in 'local' form. No, they are organized on federal level too. I think the acronym for those is 'IRS', not sure though, there might be multiple of them. But anyhow, they basically do the same, demanding US Dollars I have to pay them. If I don't pay, they go so far as to show up with armoured vehicles, swat teams with machine guns (yes, the real ones), drag me out from my business onto the street and finish me off. They tell bystanders that I am a real bad guy and everyone will believe them. Oh, the few non-believers will down their head and move out of the way real fast, maybe going home and down a bottle of whiskey to forget what they just saw. How do I deal with those?

  3. Last but not least, another gang shows up and tells me they are coming for the good and protection of all the people around me that eat my delicious chicken strips. They call themselves 'Health Department' and they demand I buy a so called license which allows me to do what I do, cooking up delicious chicken strips. I have to pay for the license with, you guessed it... US Dollars. If I don't purchase a 'license' from them they essentially do the same thing to me as explained under (2), armored vehicles, swat teams, etc etc. How can I fend them off?

You see, it sounds all good and great to try and make a living out of what you cherish and strive for and even make your customers happy with the best chicken strips ever. I love XMR and the ability to pay and receive money anonymously. But how do I deal with all these hurdles? How do I keep all the gangsters away from me? Sometimes I feel they have figured out that eventually their 'income' stream dries up if they allow me to use and accept XMR instead of their own created currency. They would slowly but steadily not be able to harvest my work and productivity (at least partially, 50% or so) anymore. Other people would follow, their currency would become worthless since nobody would use it anymore and keep their full earned income. Then they would be finished. They would actually have to work themselves, and we can't have that, can we? They working hard to not let this happen.

I think we will see still some time go by before we can purchase some chicken strips with XMR. Unless... you have some solution to fight off the gang's?

I have some ideas. What about we create a "Best Chicken's eating club" private member association. Everyone who want's to eat the best beer-battered chicken strips will have to join and become a member, otherwise no chicken strips for them. The association doesn't sell anything. We only hand out great chicken strips and would expect a donation in XMR in return to cover the cost of producing them. How about that? Contact me if that sounds interesting to you.

[-] eric2377@monero.town 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Well, one can hope and maybe someday I will get that ebook.

However, if somebody set up an online shop, accept payments and a customer asked about whats going on because he things there is something going wrong and then there is no response, that's beyond rude. That's deception at least.

Money has been accepted and taken and nothing has been given in return. What do you call that?

[-] eric2377@monero.town 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

A word of caution!

If you are interested in this book, as I am, and you follow the instructions in the video to get the ebook directly from @Stoic.XMR, be prepared to loose some money. Here is my story: I went to the web page (https://monerostandard.com/), ordered the book and paid in XMR, following all the instructions and displayed QR code. The transaction went through. I got an email as acknowledgement for the order. I was waiting for the delivery of the ebook, but the next day, I got another email, stating that the order had expired. I checked the XMR transaction and the funds had arrived at the destination wallet as shown on the order page minutes after I send the transaction out.

I wrote a letter to Michael and asking for clarification. No response. A day later I wrote another letter, asking for an explanation as to what happened. Again, no response. This all happened starting on 08/22/2023. I have given up any hope that I get a response back, leave alone getting the book. That web site looks like a honey pot to me. If you use it, be prepared to loose your money.


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