do you have an update on how secondary is coming along?
my guess then it just needs more time. ~~as another commenter said it, likely around two weeks, perhaps 3?~~
checked my book: it says 4 weeks at 3°C, so maybe 1-2 weeks at 10 degrees. I'd just open a bottle after like 10 days to see where it's at.
wouldn't use it as it is but use it as an adjunct when you brew a similar style. fresh malt has plenty of enzymes to convert the additional starches.
i find that unfiltered black coffee has a lot of body. 2 heaped teaspoons of ground coffee, 200ish mls of boiling water. let it soak, then stir carefully. the coffee sinks to the bottom leaving you with rich flavorful goodness.
shouldn't it be like integration? i get the "derived" joke but still
German is a bit ambiguous here. we use Fleisch for animal flesh that is eaten as food (meat) but also in the sense of flesh in general.
es wird deutlich besser wenn man darauf achtet jeans aus reiner Baumwolle zu nehmen. blöderweise gibt es die nicht überall bzw die Verkäufer kennen sich selber nicht aus. insofern bin ich auch auf Alternativen gespannt
find a professional cook book. these books teach you how to calculate recipes and scale them (even in relation to whether something is a side dish or mains, they also include tips on calculating waste/trimmings and what to do with them). check your local library. i think there is a starter course from the culinary institute of America, in German there is "der junge Koch"
wieso abo falle? Du willst doch deine Steuererklärung jedes Jahr machen. Ich nutze dass seit Jahren (in einer vm da es unter Linux nicht funktioniert) und bin echt zufrieden. ist sogar voreingestellt, dass du die Kosten für Software absetzen kannst. Ich hab meine Steuern ein paar Mal in Excel gemacht, nie wieder.
does anyone know whether these results were obtained while taking the size of the dictionary into account?
thanks for the explanation. i guess it really doesn't work as a meme if I've doesn't happen to know this particular image.