[-] danielfgom@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago

I agree, from a user point of view, however from Google's point of view guys only job is to make money for the company, which he seems to be doing.

Android has been left to languish and especially the mid range and budget segment. Google had let OEM's use the largest sales market to keep selling junk low spec phones year after year with the same specs and no meaningful improvements. If you wanna really great cameras or wireless charging, your only choice is to buy a premium device. That locks out billions of people from having a great Android experience.

Even the premium segment hasn't seen that much improvement from Google. It's basically only Samsung who are pushing things forward through OneUI and through hardware Innovations like folding phones and zoom cameras to make the experience better.

I for one am tired of it and have decided that my next phone is an iPhone. For the same price as an A55 I can get a brand new iPhone 12 or for less I can get a refurbished model and have far superior cameras than any Android below €750 as well as years of OS updates and enjoy all the great user features Apple has added to iOS recently.

The last iPhone I had was the 7 and it was ok but my S7 Edge was better. I've been on Android since then but now iPhone has finally made some great improvements in both hardware and software which I think should offer me a better experience than budget Android.

[-] danielfgom@lemmy.world 17 points 1 day ago

The article says "manufacturers" but then only mentions Samsung in the article....

Not exactly a surprise tbh because they have to compete with iPhone. And I bet it's only for flagship devices. I can't see the budget devices getting this.

[-] danielfgom@lemmy.world 1 points 6 days ago

I'll take a look at that. Thanks

[-] danielfgom@lemmy.world 1 points 6 days ago

I must try that. Thanks

submitted 2 months ago by danielfgom@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

A Bitcoin investor was recently scammed out of 9 Bitcoin (worth around $490K) in a fake “Exodus wallet” desktop application for Linux, published in the Canonical Snap Store. This isn’t the first time; if nothing changes, it likely won’t be the last.

[-] danielfgom@lemmy.world 60 points 3 months ago

I agree. It's time Sundar hits retirement and they put someone more visionary at the top.

Google has become seriously stale.

I was just remembering how back in 2010 on my iPhone 4S I could receive a text message while driving and tell Siri to read it to me, with no internet connection. And it would, and I could reply by Siri as well

But my current Android phone (I love Android it's really great overall) cannot do that if I don't have an internet connection!

Why??? Why haven't they baked certain basic offline capabilities into Assistant and only need internet for search queries? Makes no sense but it's one of those small indicators that Sundar is not paying attention.

[-] danielfgom@lemmy.world 58 points 3 months ago

Instead of using robots to replace menial jobs and help humans who have physical labour jobs, they've invented a tool that will get rid of all white collar jobs, forcing us all into manual, low paid labour jobs.

Taxes will fall off a cliff and life will get really bad because the state won't have money to maintain the country. Companies making Ai content won't be able to sell it because no one can has money to buy it. In general all product sales will fall off a cliff, except for food, and many companies will close, resulting in mass unemployment and eventually collapse of society .....

Great job morons!

[-] danielfgom@lemmy.world 85 points 5 months ago

This is old news. We all know this. These were prototypes and still buggy but Steve knew he had to present it first, ASAP, to the public to earn and keep the excitement.

It was a gamble they worked. People were super exited and for months the anticipation built resulting in a strong launch with massive sales.

Even to this day, it's that presentation they keeps the fans buying.

[-] danielfgom@lemmy.world 60 points 6 months ago

This is one of the many reasons I don't like Nothing. They are willing to put users at risk just so they can sell a few more phones.

Let me tell you Nothings strategy:

  1. Make an extract clone of the iPhone and put some gimmick lights on it to get attention.

  2. Make some airpod clones but make them see through to again attract attention

  3. Try to get iMessage working on Nothing 2 (screw you if you're on Nothing 1, Apple style) to reinforce the impression you're using an iPhone.

  4. If successful, price the Nothing 3 even higher to make it seem premium even though it's nothing special at all.

  5. Bring features to the Nothing 3, that the Nothing 2 and Nothing 1 will never get, even though there is no reason not to give it to them too.

  6. Repeat for Nothing 5 and every other Nothing ever. And eventually reach iPhone pricing.

In short, they are using their users just to get popular, become like Apple and get rich. Only to screw you over and make future phones super expensive.

Much like One Plus did. First you position yourself as flagship killer, and once you get a loyal following and deals with mobile carriers then you push the price sky high and give your supporters the middle finger.

Anyone who buys Nothing is a fool.

[-] danielfgom@lemmy.world 139 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Nothing. Linus doesn't personally do coding on the kernel, he has a team who do that and he oversees it and makes the hard decisions.

There are others who will take his place and the work will continue.

If somehow the entire kernel team shut down, Google, Samsung or some other large corporation would take it over and continue development because at this point many, many, many servers, phones, smart devices, iot, and other appliances rely on the Linux kernel to function.

It simply cannot be left to die.

[-] danielfgom@lemmy.world 61 points 6 months ago

Yea indeed. This is very important to remember. Without financial backing and connections, most businesses don't go very far.

I think we should shatter these "started in the garage" myths as they do in this article. The average family doesn't earn enough to give their kids a good enough education or finance their dreams.

Hence most people end up doing some or other job they loath, for the rest of their lives.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by danielfgom@lemmy.world to c/askandroid

Pro photographer Olle Nillson goes out on a forest stakeout to capture stunning bokeh shots of birds. The results are stunning.

If you're interested in seeing how other Xperia models perform, check his other videos. Production value of off the charts.

I promise you they are well worth your time.

[-] danielfgom@lemmy.world 75 points 7 months ago

Unless the EU makes them use RCS they never will. In the US iMessage is literally THE REASON people buy the iPhone. It's their main selling point. They don't care how much pressure you place on them, they aren't going to lose those sales willingly.

[-] danielfgom@lemmy.world 72 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Great article. It sums up Debian well and illustrates why it is so rock solid. In short, they package and test everything themselves so there's no room for malware or broken packages.

Yes the release cycle is much slower but in return you have a super stable and reliable system. Which is why so many IT admins love to use Debian for servers. Servers need to not change quickly. They need to stay the same, be rock solid, preferably never be shut down and keep going for at least a decade if not more. Debian is ideal for this.

And it's 100% community based - no corporations messing in here. That's why I switched from regular Linux Mint to LMDE 6. I'm tired of Ubuntu, Fedora/Red Hat and their corporate BS.

Long live Debian. May it never change.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by danielfgom@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

LMDE 6 has been officially released. The big deal about this is that it's based on the recently released Debian 12 and also that being based on Debian LMDE is 100% community based.

If you've been disappointed by what the Linux corporations have been doing lately or don't like the all-snap future that Ubuntu has opened, then this is the distro for you.

I'm running it as my daily driver and it works exactly like the regular Mint so you don't lose anything. Clem and team have done a great job, even newbies could use Debian now.

Personally I think LMDE is the future of Linux as Ubuntu goes it's own way, and this is a good thing for Mint and the Linux community. Let's get back to community distros and move away from the corps.

EDIT: LMDE is 64bit only. There is no 32bit option.

submitted 9 months ago by danielfgom@lemmy.world to c/askandroid

I'm struggling to find good offline, preferably paid or with 1 time in app purchase, games for Android.

All the popular ones just want to milk you on IAP. I prefer to make 1 payment and be done.

I'm looking for something along the lines of Double Dragon but optimistised for modern screens. Some arcade action adventure with a story and progression.

Can't find anything.

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