[-] dRLY@lemmygrad.ml 16 points 6 months ago

So many of these kinds of people tend to get off so easy when compared to folks that commit actions impacting a small number of people. So many in the US are ready to call for the death penalty for everything other than these evil greedy fucks who's actions can have impacts for multiple generations. It is telling that the rich and powerful make sure no such penalty is placed as a legal option. If it is possible for someone that kills another person to be sentenced to death. Then it sure as fuck should be the only option for people like her and those that constantly play games with people's lives and the entire economy of a nation just to hoard more money.

[-] dRLY@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 7 months ago

One of the main things that hurts the other AES nations is that they are much smaller and easier to deeply impact with all the sanctions placed on them by the US. Also China was able to get so many of the greedy US corps that only care about cheap labour for so long to move industrial manufacturing bases there. Which aside from the massive issues with corruption that came along with it, was not wasted in getting a fuck-ton of modern equipment and knowledge to catch-up with western nations fast as fuck. But the corruption is being dealt with dramatically. With China now having so much sway on getting other nations that have really only stuck with the US for fear of money/trade (and being attacked by our military of course). It is much more likely that we see the other AES nations be able to trade with those nations.

If nations like Cuba have been able to make make such amazing advancements (especially medical ones) while under US restrictions. Just imagine what they can do once said restrictions are made moot. I just hope that China and the other nations (AES or not) are able to be united in putting the US in check as the war-hawks and rich that so fear losing what they have stolen become more and more erratic.

[-] dRLY@lemmygrad.ml 14 points 9 months ago

US has convinced itself and many of the most powerful nations (ie the West) that it is China that is trying to "take over other nations" or otherwise control them by "expanding their empire." Even though they are not, and are anti-imperialist. Or how places like Cuba aren't allowed to be traded with due to their "oppressive governments." But the US is still somehow the "good guys" and should just be allowed to patrol the whole world by land, air, sea, and space. That it is allowed to strike and occupy other nations without any approval by said nations. Oh and it is also somehow fair or good that even if all other nations in the UN vote one way that the US can stop a democratic vote by voting the other way.

Just love how this is what US lead democracy for the world works. /s

[-] dRLY@lemmygrad.ml 38 points 10 months ago

True, but being fair to the DPRK, Google hasn't had the most powerful nation in the world literally blocking almost all trade with them or all the sanctions. Google has been allowed to make mad money and do whatever they want more or less (at least as long as the US gov can still tap into the info), and it really isn't shocking they have what they have at this point. The DPRK was able to do this basically completely on their own despite everything. Even the US had to start with one satellite at one point. So a "fuck you" to the US is a win for the DPRK no matter how small it is when compared to rich companies.

[-] dRLY@lemmygrad.ml 25 points 10 months ago

True. The main thing they care about is talking without actual actions, and they would rather fascism take over instead of excepting that the centrist systems of liberalism's version of democracy has failed. They fail to see that sometimes there isn't a "next time" to rely on for them or their parties to exist let alone run again.

[-] dRLY@lemmygrad.ml 14 points 10 months ago

The US is a perfect example of an abusive relationship where the abuser is really good at using emotions against the abused. Very good at love bombing and using the "this time I have changed" line and repeating the whole thing. While also somehow being seen as some kind of "respectable wealthy person" that makes big donations to "great causes" (of course is also a large part of why those causes are even needed). Eventually enough nations will be abused and will form groups to share their stories and support. And maybe even no one will want to "date" them, which will of course lead to the US claiming to be a "victim of cancellation" or whatever. But since the US and its victims are nations and not just individuals, shit is much worse and completely fucks/ruins/ends many more million people the longer it goes.

[-] dRLY@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 11 months ago

Shit is lining up with 9/11 really well in that aspect. The US was getting alerted by the Russian FSB well before shit went down and were like "lol nah that can't be real you dumb KGB guys". The Israeli gov is using lessons it learned from the US and Fascist Italy/Nazi Germany in false-flags and just lying about very important bits of information.

[-] dRLY@lemmygrad.ml 30 points 1 year ago

For real! Hell, they even openly tried to fucking join NATO at one point. They tried going capitalist as fuck really fast to get the west to back the fuck off of the whole "most evil nation that is always trying to end the world because communism". But it wasn't going to ever matter and were still always painted as being a KGB police dictatorship, even though the west was treating other nations with much more literal versions of that shit as being our best friends in "freedom". NATO existing after the USSR and now even expanding to literally non-North Atlantic regions at this point should be so fucking obvious to it being anything other than a mob. Everything "aggressive" being done by Russia is the result of NATO members (especially the US and UK but not limited to them) never having any plans to let Russia be treated as equal.

And the idea that China is basically pulling an op on making Russia bow to them is beyond some of the dumbest lib (both conservative and progressive)/reactionary shit. They were both being treated in every bad-faith ways possible and constantly being loudly pushed as being "evil" no matter what. Both are treated as trying to push the world into another war anytime they do big military training exercises (both joint and just within their branches internally). While the US and NATO are constantly rolling up on their borders and making sure to do similar or larger exercises and always seen as somehow not aggressive/pushing for war.

[-] dRLY@lemmygrad.ml 20 points 1 year ago

I like how they paint China as "earning money on the conflict," like the military industrial complex of the US and other NATO nations are actually just giving shit to Ukraine without strings attached to every single bit. The west are the ones that thought they would be made richer, and that putting so many restrictions on Russia would also bring China down completely. So far Ukraine has only won over the libs and moderate conservatives because they are anti-Russia no matter what (similar to the Dems "vote blue no matter who" headspace). They also were successful in getting Putin to okay the operation due to further and aggressively trying to join NATO.

[-] dRLY@lemmygrad.ml 23 points 1 year ago

It seems (to me) to be a soft demand outwardly as China is both trying to avoid the US and western nations being able to paint them as just being pro-Russia instead of neutral (and trying to find a way to maybe be the ones to bring peace). While also still not just letting it slide. Which if Ukraine does stupidly make worse in their reply, will only help move basically all of Asia away due to calling them all stupid because of race. Which also gives the de-Nazification argument for Russia starting the special operation a boost.

[-] dRLY@lemmygrad.ml 11 points 1 year ago

The truth is the truth with regards to them not caring about voters. Not at all. But I think that most people in the US don't really understand how parties work. Like large amounts of people register to vote under a party and may think of themselves as being under that banner. But they never actually join the parties in any official manner outside of voter registration. To my knowledge both main parties did used to do their primaries based on actual membership beyond just simple voter registration, or at least only people that represented various locations as party members. So most regular people really only got to vote in the main elections.

I think the main misunderstanding comes from the two main options allowing for "open primaries" in order to at least seem like these primaries matter. At any time both of the parties can just throw out the public results and re-do them closed and in private with just real members. Of course along with managing to be super bipartisan in making random rules/laws that set very high bars for being a recognized party at all for any level of ballot access. The average Democratic or Republican voters haven't ever signed a membership card or pays dues (and not simply random donations). Which might also be one of the many reasons that these parties are just able to do whatever they want. As it isn't like most people will ever attend meetings and vote at said meetings. The only voting that people think matters is the major elections. Hell, I think that people like Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy did more actual shit for their local chapters. All because they actually joined at those levels. That should be massively embarrassing to anyone that vote shames third party voters, but never try to materially do anything about their claimed party.

If most people really cared about doing literally anything other than vote shame people for bothering to vote for shit they care about. Then they would first actually go out and officially join their registered party. Attend actual meetings and actively participate in that district's/county/town level's shit including speaking up with concerns, asking real questions, build up blocs/solidarity with others on specific demands (and be ready to withhold support of said local level party as a group), and voting at said meetings. We just let these bought and paid for elites that will never care about anything other than those that bought them if the actual base/members aren't ever going to do anything. And why would they? They just get to rule from the top-down and keep doing everything but care about real fucking people.

[-] dRLY@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 1 year ago

The article does mention that they haven't fully confirmed that he was actually on that plane. And that there was a second one also with them. Even if he was listed on the one that crashed, it is possible that it was a ruse. Wouldn't be the first time someone that is a pretty big target pulled the old switch-a-roo for their own safety. But also just possible he didn't, and is now dead. Given the situation and his very public show of hate for the leaders of the Russian military. I doubt that any answer will fully ever be considered "true" as even super simple parts to the whole conflict are all sus.

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