[-] csolisr@hub.azkware.net 5 points 18 hours ago

@Fubarberry I've been using a hack to use Decky Loader on Windows and non-Deck Linux, and at the very least it allows me to use themes and add info to the interface. I wonder if Decky Loader 3 has official support for either of these.

[-] csolisr@hub.azkware.net 7 points 19 hours ago

@Emperor That looks less like a clover and more like a miniature lettuce!

[-] csolisr@hub.azkware.net 1 points 1 day ago

@kde @ulfi About the only thing missing from KDE Connect so far is support for file and screen sharing between Android and Windows. But that's mostly a software issue.

[-] csolisr@hub.azkware.net 3 points 1 day ago

@protein Many things that you'd think would be under lock and key... are not. Credentials for, say, a database of subscribers to a telephone company? Just ask the team and say you're working on an integration, they'll happily send you the password in plain text

[-] csolisr@hub.azkware.net 3 points 4 days ago

@cloudless@fedia.io One of the few reasons I had to stick to Waterfox, yeepee

[-] csolisr@hub.azkware.net 5 points 5 days ago

@nanoUFO @ISOmorph If you ever thought "what this JRPG needs to spice it up is to add a customizable deck of cards on top of it", then absolutely go for it!

[-] csolisr@hub.azkware.net 11 points 1 month ago

Never have heroes

Never let talented people be in positions of fame or power

Never stop questioning "models of conduct"

[-] csolisr@hub.azkware.net 35 points 4 months ago

Embracer Group, briefly going into its Extender Group phase before finally descending into Extinguishing Group territory

[-] csolisr@hub.azkware.net 10 points 4 months ago

In my country we already have a similar NGO doing that - it's called "Chepe se baña" (St. Joseph / San José Takes a Shower) and it provides the homeless with showers and grooming services

[-] csolisr@hub.azkware.net 12 points 4 months ago

Two countries where circumstances are such that people would rather not have kids, especially women as it often means the end of their professional career

[-] csolisr@hub.azkware.net 15 points 4 months ago

Ah yes! The first thing that went through my mind when Netflix made an IRL version of the Squid Game (minus the killing of contestants because of course that wouldn't fly through the legal department) was the freaking Torment Nexus

[-] csolisr@hub.azkware.net 39 points 4 months ago

@stopthatgirl7 Gilead, like most dystopian fictions, was supposed to be a warning and ended up becoming a blueprint instead.

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