[-] cobra89@beehaw.org 2 points 3 days ago

Yeah actually it was a Belarusian journalist, Roman Protasevich.

[-] cobra89@beehaw.org 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

While contributing is great, the BSDs are kinda dying and it's probably better to spend that effort elsewhere. Even TrueNAS is leaving the BSD space. The fact that most applications are shipping via docker/Flatpak/snap etc. and that BSD does not have a good solution for those does not bode well for BSD.

There just really isn't that much development for BSD anymore. Everyone who wasn't on Linux is moving over to it.

[-] cobra89@beehaw.org 1 points 4 days ago

How does that work when all of the production happens in other countries now? Is there some scenario where we have a socialist white collar economy? All the rhetoric surrounding Communism fits a blue collar economy where production is still the key driver of the economy. Most "1st world" economies these days are service economies not production economies. Is there some literature on how Communism fits in with a service economy?

[-] cobra89@beehaw.org 4 points 4 days ago

The issue is every competitor will use the same targeted ads. No advertiser who is not using targeted ads by utilizing tracking data will never be as competitive because their ads won't be as effective.

Until we can kill these types of advertising by making laws against it or make tools that counteract them widespread enough that it makes the business unprofitable we will continue to have our data used against us.

[-] cobra89@beehaw.org 8 points 4 days ago

These people care more about their "principles" and lack of fundamental understanding of the realities of a first past the post system, than the very real reality of people like us losing our rights.

Everyone who thinks voting 3rd party or staying home is an option is rooted in privilege.

[-] cobra89@beehaw.org 9 points 4 days ago

No, it's because people like you don't vote in primaries. I vote in every primary for better candidates meanwhile people like you scream how the candidates are awful while staying home during the primaries.

The candidates won't get better until we grass roots organize and start actually making good candidates popular.

[-] cobra89@beehaw.org 24 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Also I guess losing the majority on SCOTUS and losing abortion rights was just a "hypothetical scenario" when people like you refused to vote for Hillary in 2016?

When will you people learn that, yes, elections have consequences.

Trying to pretend like they might not and Trump might somehow not be worse is being deliberately obtuse and sticking your head in the sand. Wake up and smell the reality.

Please tell me about your hypothetical future where you don't vote for Biden. Please explain to me what your best case scenario and outcome look like in that situation? Please tell me, what are you working towards?

[-] cobra89@beehaw.org 16 points 5 days ago

If you think you're going to change anything by not voting or voting third party then I have a bridge I'd love to sell you and decades of American history I'd like you to read.

Please explain to me what action you're going to take and how that's going to lead to positive change?

[-] cobra89@beehaw.org 29 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Nope, they'd rather scream about "not voting for the lesser of two evils" full well knowing that if they don't that the likelihood of Trump becoming president and having MUCH worse policies for the Palestinians becomes much greater.

But hey, why care about the realities of a situation when you can scream about principles or something?

[-] cobra89@beehaw.org 2 points 5 days ago

Is there so much more he could have done without an act of Congress? We saw from Trump's presidency that most executive orders do not hold up in court and Congress controls the power of the purse.

submitted 5 days ago by cobra89@beehaw.org to c/politics@beehaw.org
submitted 5 days ago by cobra89@beehaw.org to c/politics@beehaw.org
[-] cobra89@beehaw.org 3 points 6 days ago

Uhh I think you're thinking of The Washington Post.

[-] cobra89@beehaw.org 13 points 6 days ago

Remember how Russia forced Navalny's plane to land in a different country so they could arrest him? Not that I agree with the action, but it might not be a bad idea for Europeans and Netanyahu. Just sayin'.

submitted 5 months ago by cobra89@beehaw.org to c/politics@beehaw.org
submitted 5 months ago by cobra89@beehaw.org to c/news@beehaw.org
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