[-] cerement@slrpnk.net 1 points 8 hours ago

insecticidal soap ­– fill a spray bottle with water, add a couple drops of liquid soap (Dr. Bronners or J&J Baby Shampoo)

[-] cerement@slrpnk.net 15 points 20 hours ago

they automatically gets converted to JPEG/MOV files


[-] cerement@slrpnk.net 1 points 21 hours ago

unless they’re priests – mixed fabrics were only for the elite, not the peons

[-] cerement@slrpnk.net 5 points 1 day ago

classic sawmill gravy was based off béchamel but using cheap items with food shortages after the Revolutionary War – I think it should be relatively straight forward to adapt …

  • start with a roux from flour and oil (coconut oil, light olive oil, avocado oil)
  • thicken with plant milk (almond milk, oat milk)
  • flavor with black pepper (maybe a hint of liquid smoke)
  • season to taste with salt (or mushroom seasoning (Asian grocery, Trader Joe’s) or Vegemite)
[-] cerement@slrpnk.net 15 points 1 day ago

“toilet water for men”

[-] cerement@slrpnk.net 3 points 1 day ago

sponsored by Raytheon and [Redacted]’s Child Hunting Island

[-] cerement@slrpnk.net 19 points 1 day ago

if the E. coli doesn’t get you, then the red tide or flesh eating bacteria surely will!

[-] cerement@slrpnk.net 8 points 1 day ago

forget Martha Stewart – but Snoop Dogg and Willie Nelson as heads of the DEA and FDA

[-] cerement@slrpnk.net 4 points 1 day ago

keeps getting better the further you read:

^14^ For if you forgive other people for their offenses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. ^15^ But if you do not forgive other people, then your Father will not forgive your offenses.

[-] cerement@slrpnk.net 38 points 1 day ago

^1^ Take care not to practice your righteousness in the sight of people, to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven.

^2^ So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, so that they will be praised by people. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. ^3^ But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, ^4^ so that your charitable giving will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.

—Matthew 6:1–4

submitted 2 months ago by cerement@slrpnk.net to c/anarchism@slrpnk.net

Piped / Invidious

[yes, we got a new Andrewism video for Labour Day!]

“Anarchism - a political philosophy and practice that opposes ALL hierarchies along with their ‘justifying’ dogmas and proposes the unending pursuit of anarchy, where free association, self determination, and mutual aid form the basis of our society.”

submitted 2 months ago by cerement@slrpnk.net to c/anarchism@slrpnk.net

image from Labor Archives and Research Center, San Francisco State University

Workers’ Memorial Day – “an international day of remembrance and action for workers killed, disabled, injured, or made unwell by their work.”

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by cerement@slrpnk.net to c/ergomechkeyboards@lemmy.world

open source, files on Codeberg

this was a big learning experience, first time doing a proper PCB instead of using yet another Pro Micro equivalent – this would not have been possible without Noah Kiser’s tutorials on Youtube, all the work that went into QMK and Vial, and the ease of JLC’s assembly service (no way I was ever going to solder an RP2040)

shocked and giddy with how easy the whole process was – plugged in the fresh PCB and it went straight into bootloader mode – uploaded the *.uf2 and it worked first time!

  • symmetric split-ergo style layout (6 × 3 + 3)
  • katana stagger
    • personally find this works really nicely and keeps the feel of an ortho or columnar board
  • fits into Minivan case (12.75u × 4u)
  • attempt to use as many existing mounting holes as possible (6/7)
    • main issue was maintaining symmetric layout with two mounting points in bottom row
    • personally find the resulting odd gap to be uncomfortable
    • if I do an update, I would remove the awkward spacing and slide the whole bottom row to the left a smidge (resulting in an uncomfortably-asymmetric symmetric layout)
  • learning to use JLC’s PCB assembly instead of a Pro Micro equivalent
  • providing a proper Vial firmware
    • (default layout is based off Reviung41 layout)
submitted 2 months ago by cerement@slrpnk.net to c/leftymusic@lemmy.world

Piped / Invidious

Wikipedia: Bella ciao

Astronautalis - Bella Ciao - Youtube / Piped / Invidious

Chia Madani - Bella Ciao - Youtube / Piped / Invidious

(and yes, I have an irrational dislike of the La Casa de Papel version)

submitted 2 months ago by cerement@slrpnk.net to c/leftymusic@lemmy.world

“It's the same reason that Boomers can’t leave Facebook.”

“The people who are stranded on social media platforms shouldn’t be mistaken for uncool, aging technophobes. They’re not stubborn, they’re stranded. Like the elders who can’t afford to leave a dying town after the factory shuts down and the young people move away, these people are locked in. They need help evacuating – a place to go and a path to get there.”

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by cerement@slrpnk.net to c/fuck_cars@lemmy.ml

Piped link / Invidious link

“Days after launch, you’re sitting at a red light. The novelty is gone and you’re not any happier. Maybe it’s your imagination, but the gaps in the door look off. You think you saw a car full of teens laughing at you earlier. You are now $100,000 in debt for a meme, and you feel … nothing.”

submitted 4 months ago by cerement@slrpnk.net to c/climate@slrpnk.net

Piped link | Invidious link

“Because green skyscrapers and high-rises are a bullshit non-solution to serious systemic problems.”

“But if you want greenery on a building nonetheless, do I have an idea for you – a portable, modular, scalable solution called ‘potted plants on your balcony’.”

submitted 5 months ago by cerement@slrpnk.net to c/solarpunk@slrpnk.net

Piped link | Invidious link

  • Troy Vettese, Drew Pendergrass, Half-Earth Socialism (2022)
  • Max Ajl, A People’s Green New Deal (2021)
  • Red Nation, The Red Deal (2021)

“Imagine a world where you don’t feel forced to go to your job just to put food on the table, where climate collapse isn’t driving every global disaster. A world where decisions about what products get made, what public goods are free and accessible, are made by everyday people, not by CEOs and board members. A world where community and chosen family are just a bike ride, a high-speed train, or a quick walk away.”

“The goal of oppressors is to limit your imagination about what is possible without them, so you might never imagine more for yourself and the world you live in.”

—Ashley C. Ford

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by cerement@slrpnk.net to c/climate@slrpnk.net

“This temperature corresponds to 0 degrees Fahrenheit, so it was “probably a round, easy number to remember”

That’s what Allouche and team will be working on next, as they build their research summary into a full report, to be published in September 2024. “These findings give good reasons for ‘3 degrees of change’ to be further explored,” Allouche says.

Three Degrees Of Change: Frozen food in a Resilient and Sustainable Food System (PDF)

cinereus alep (slrpnk.net)
  • a quick update from my post a few days back
  • this was the first iteration (very barebones to check on fitting)
  • everything up and running (QMK made the firmware incredibly easy)
  • so far, thoroughly enjoying the experience
  • and yes, it’s all open source
  • and I’m already working on the next iteration
    • reset switch
    • re-adjusting some routing
    • adding in a base (Plaid or Seigaiha style)
      • I really like the plateless build
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