[-] cam_i_am@lemmy.world 14 points 1 month ago

Mate I appreciate that you seem to be coming at this with honest curiosity, but do yourself a favour and get this information from reputable news sources.

This whole thing is so polarised and so full of misinformation that anything you read from randos on social media you have no way of knowing if it's credible or complete bullshit.

[-] cam_i_am@lemmy.world 18 points 2 months ago

Forget about what's normal for getting over a fight. You know what's not normal? Getting into a screaming match with your partner every month.

I really can't stress enough, that's not ok. Not a healthy relationship, not a safe environment for your children, and not a good example for them to follow in the future.

You need couple's counselling ASAP because this pattern has to stop.

[-] cam_i_am@lemmy.world 14 points 3 months ago
[-] cam_i_am@lemmy.world 23 points 3 months ago

Great comment. We have the same thing here in Australia with tobacco laws. The most recent change was to ban almost all branding on cigarette packaging. They're not allowed to use fonts, slogans, logos, or colours, just the brand name in plain text on a standard brown-green box.

The logic being that branding makes a product more attractive to a consumer. Make it duller and less people will buy it.

Tobacco companies fought it tooth and nail. Kept arguing it wouldn't stop people from smoking. Well then why are you lobbying so hard against it? Obviously the only reason they will ever fight anything is because they think it will hurt their revenue. So whatever they oppose, I support.

[-] cam_i_am@lemmy.world 14 points 6 months ago

So vee mast deel vizit

[-] cam_i_am@lemmy.world 19 points 9 months ago

A bacon meme? Is it 2008?

[-] cam_i_am@lemmy.world 22 points 10 months ago

"You’ll feel better in the morning."

I get a lot of intrusive, negative, catastrophising thoughts late at night. Worrying about things I would never worry about during daylight.

I always try to tell myself: don't think about this stuff right now, it's not helpful. Put it aside and if it still feels important in the morning then you can do something about it. Fixating on it right now serves no useful purpose.

[-] cam_i_am@lemmy.world 14 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Bahaha fair call mate! The other artist who came to mind was Bryan Adams, who it turns out is Canadian so clearly I'm completely full of shit.

Logic and reason aside..... Idk it just feels like American fluff to me. To be clear, I don't mean to hate on American culture with that statement. Every culture has its own vapid, meaningless fluff. God knows Australian culture does!

Regardless of who sang it or wrote it, something about faith of the heart just feels really, really American to me. Obviously Trek has always been an American show, but it has always seemed to make an effort to be more universal than that. I still remember hearing faith of the heart for the first time and it just felt... foreign. Unrelatable.

And personally I just hate power ballads so that's my own bias haha. My whole argument is vibes and opinions really, I make zero claim to being correct or even internally consistent on this.

[-] cam_i_am@lemmy.world 19 points 10 months ago

What happens if the two events collide? Do they annihilate each other? Does the resulting explosion destroy the whole city?

[-] cam_i_am@lemmy.world 16 points 10 months ago

PC load letter?

[-] cam_i_am@lemmy.world 15 points 11 months ago

Bit of a left field suggestion but one thing that really helps is finding your people.

In my younger years I sometimes really struggled with casual conversation, I often felt like I was the weird guy who had nothing to say.

It turned out that was only really true when I was spending a lot of time with people with whom I had very little in common. As I got older I eventually found "my people". Friends who I click with, who I share values and interests with, who communicate similarly to me.

It's not about finding people who are just copies of you, that would be pretty boring and make for a real social echo chamber. You want a range of friends with different interests, from different walks of life. But you want them to be, for lack of a better term "compatible" with you.

If you happen to be neurodivergent then that adds a whooooole extra layer of complexity to conversational compatibility. There's a stereotype that autistic people are awkward or socially inept, which is complete rubbish. They just communicate differently to neurotypicals. Put a bunch of similar autistic people in a room together and watch them have no trouble at all making conversation with each other, in their own style.

Anyway, maybe this isn't relevant to you, and you're already happy with the people in your life. But it's worth taking the time to examine whether the reason you struggle to make conversation is because you're trying to make it with the wrong people.

[-] cam_i_am@lemmy.world 20 points 1 year ago

I've never worked in a kitchen, and I'm sure it's different than the office jobs I've done. But still, it's important to remember that leadership is not about "telling people what to do" as you described it.

One of the easiest mistakes to make as a leader is assuming that your job is to always be in charge, to order people round, to maintain an air of authority. Sometimes yes, that's needed, but in my experience it's pretty rare.

Your job as a leader is to set direction, make sure people know what's expected of them, make sure they have everything they need to do their job, and then stay out of their way. Especially if you're leading people who are already experienced and know what they're doing.

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