It might become a valuable resource either by people manually deciding by the listed country if they want to use the company/product or once we implement labels that highlight EU based entities. So if it's okay for the post to stay in the EU based community, great. If not, understandable too.
joined 1 day ago
We are not "Buy EU", we are "Buy European". In the future we might differentiate between different "types" of European commitment (like EU manufacturing, European manufacturing, Outside Europe manufacturing) but right now we include all companies headquartered in Europe. Once we have a sophisticated database we can focus on the details and enriching said data.
Because people snipe domains and then not use it. The only "catchy" domain we found was .net If the .eu owner wants to transfer ownership, we are ready to change it in a heartbeat.
Thanks for the shoutout! We appreciate data contributors submitting new suggestions here:
31 - European database for products, services, brands and companies
Love all the activism!