[-] bigBananas@feddit.nl 3 points 10 months ago

I adored my HP Veer, I bet that if I get a working one in my hands I'll blind-type flawless again in seconds, I was better on that thing than any full size keyboard. Best phone I've ever had because of the keyboard and the ease of customization when you know Javascript. Screen was a bit too small (I consider every modern phone way, way too big) and speed could've been better but wasn't bad.

[-] bigBananas@feddit.nl 3 points 10 months ago

Logitech media server (squeezebox) with the don't stop the music plugin. It can use different services for context aware playlists and I found last.fm to be a lot better than Spotify. MusicIP used to be a thing on LMS as well, and probably can still be used, that's completely local but analyzing new tracks is slow since MusicIP servers are down (MusicIP got bought by Spotify ages ago).

[-] bigBananas@feddit.nl 3 points 10 months ago

I don't know for sure but I think it's the current, higher voltage will bridge a bigger gap/higher resistance but a human body doesn't have that high of a resistance and car batteries are capable of providing plenty of current (I think?)

[-] bigBananas@feddit.nl 2 points 10 months ago

That's a different problem (that doesn't really exist where I live)

[-] bigBananas@feddit.nl 5 points 10 months ago

This is why I trust motorcyclists more than cars. A manual doesn't change this problem, a motorcycle does.

[-] bigBananas@feddit.nl 38 points 11 months ago

Walking, or running, is good for your brain in almost every way. My depression was/is coupled with social anxiety so it was hard to get myself to do it but things like walking to the grocery store instead of biking/car helped me change that into 'I'll take a detour'.

The worst hobbies for me are the ones that are done sitting still, or anything that 'creates' a different 'reality/world'. For me that was anything behind my pc. Woodworking is better for me and allows me not to worry about social stuff but walking is definitely better for my brain.

[-] bigBananas@feddit.nl 1 points 1 year ago

Most motorcycle crashes happen at low speed, then inexperienced riders, then after winter, or something like that. So, ride year round, a lot and always fast (don't).

Fortnine has a good video about it with some statistics, it kinda boils down to always wear all the gear, like others here have said, and ease into it after a break. Whether it's a week or 6 months, a day you haven't ridden, is a day you've lost feeling for YOUR bike. (that last sentence is my addition)

I ride a lot, have for years, ride like a hooligan sometimes and have laid down my bike 3 times, all below 30km/h.

[-] bigBananas@feddit.nl 2 points 1 year ago

2nd, but with just a bash script. Also, I'm forwarding http & https to different IPs and the best thing about cloudflare is that you can restrict those ports to only be open when coming from cloudflare's proxy. I like the extra layer of security, and dislike that they can see all traffic..


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