[-] bearfootbees@lemmy.ca 36 points 9 months ago

I'm 6'4, 250 lbs. Canadian

I drive an 02 golf. Before this, a Toyota 4runner (1st gen).

I'm not trying to brag... But I think it's not a "I'm too big for anything smaller" it's a "I'm too insecure for anything smaller", aka "my dick is too small for anything smaller" syndrome.

I've recently made friends with a group of Germans who have come to Canada. I'm astonished by the practicality and industriousness I've noticed in contrast to the idiocy of most Canadians. I'm not saying you don't have any idiots in Germany. I'm just saying culturally, there seem to be some big differences.

Remember, don't let the dumbest of the world ruin your happiness.


[-] bearfootbees@lemmy.ca 15 points 9 months ago

6 months ago, it's "we want to scan all devices for CSA media", 2 months ago, "we want to scan all devices for DRM", now, "we want to scan all devices for phishing"

They're just rebranding the same thing over and over till nobody says anything... Get ready for it, guys, the end of privacy is here.

[-] bearfootbees@lemmy.ca 14 points 9 months ago

We were all thinking it, he just said it

[-] bearfootbees@lemmy.ca 7 points 1 year ago

I'm starting to get portal 2 vibes here

[-] bearfootbees@lemmy.ca 14 points 1 year ago

I'm in no means an expert here, but over the last 10 years or so, I've been trying to learn as much as I can. I am still in the boat of trying to find meaningful, impactful ways of explaining to people around me, why they should care about privacy.

Here's what I would challenge anyone who takes the time to read this to do. Choose a random user in this thread. Any one of them. Go to their profile page, and see what you can learn about that person based on comment/post history.

Did you get an idea of where in the world they live? The problems they're facing? The things they like? Now. Think like you were someone trying to harm/exploit them. Think of some products you could put in front of them that they could not live without.

Now we take that information, and start to put it together, we think, okay how do we manipulate this person into purchasing this thing.

Maybe we target a fake news article, stating "(target user's generation) choosing between paying rent and purchasing (target product)"

Now that person starts to think "whoa, in not the only one that's struggling with this decision, and others are choosing the purchase"

Now, maybe we target an influencer video to them, about how much better their lives are with that product.

Pretty soon, we put together a picture of how quickly and easily we could create an algorithm to manipulate someone into buying something that they would not have made the informed decision to buy. Now they value the product even if they can't afford it...

I'm literally realizing this as I'm typing it... And it kind of terrifies me.

All of this is completely ignoring the concern of government entities, with I'll intention, using the information against you...

[-] bearfootbees@lemmy.ca 41 points 1 year ago

I for one, will advocate for the separation of kernel and church.

[-] bearfootbees@lemmy.ca 46 points 1 year ago

This may sound dumb... An old Samsung phone I had years ago, came with alarms that gradually faded in. The most memorable, started with the ocean, and the seagulls... Then there was a fog horn in the distance. Slowly the horn got closer, and closer... Until it was all you could hear, and your alarm was going off.

I've looked everywhere for the sound file... It must be Locked away in a basement at Samsung somewhere.

One day I'll find it

[-] bearfootbees@lemmy.ca 16 points 1 year ago

I have used Ubuntu for years on and off, since the days you could have them send you a cd in the mail, with a free copy of Ubuntu. I recently installed Ubuntu server 22.04, and saw some serious red flags.

  1. Ubuntu pro account - canonical send to be withholding security updates, until you subscribe. This was clickbaited during the command line install with "you are missing out on 97 security updates"
  2. snap, although very slick, and quick to set up, seems very resource intensive, as to my understanding, if I install 2 snaps on my server, they will run 2 instances of Apache, MySQL, etc... Correct me if I'm wrong

Especially the first point, just gave me an idea of which direction canonical is headed in... And I think I for one will start to look elsewhere. Absolutely happy to be wrong about any of my points

[-] bearfootbees@lemmy.ca 14 points 1 year ago


[-] bearfootbees@lemmy.ca 7 points 1 year ago

Movie: hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, RRR, most of Ghibli studios, drunken Master.

Shows: house, Dirk gently's holistic detective agency, the Blackadder

[-] bearfootbees@lemmy.ca 19 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Wikihow is the biggest dumpster fire of Misinformation... The amount of flat out bullshit that I've seen on there is absolutely mind boggling.

[-] bearfootbees@lemmy.ca 9 points 1 year ago

More than happy to hear everyone smash on zuckyboy though haha. All of social media is a mess right now.

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