[-] barttier@feddit.de 42 points 6 months ago

Phew. For a second I was concerned for the dog. The internet is a dark place

[-] barttier@feddit.de 88 points 6 months ago
  1. Flashlight - to find my shotgun in the dark.

  2. Shotgun - Im going to cobain me out of this shit

[-] barttier@feddit.de 174 points 7 months ago

First I wanted to contradict and say that I like arch linux because it feels good... So yes: I see your point

[-] barttier@feddit.de 62 points 8 months ago

Imagine feeling good because you pay for spotify. If you want your favorite artists to have money buy tickets and merch.

[-] barttier@feddit.de 42 points 8 months ago

In aisle three da steht ein Röööselein, und das heißt Cooorona! 🎵

ich🎣iel (feddit.de)
submitted 8 months ago by barttier@feddit.de to c/ich_iel@feddit.de
ich🛶 iel (feddit.de)
submitted 8 months ago by barttier@feddit.de to c/ich_iel@feddit.de
ich🥷iel (feddit.de)
submitted 8 months ago by barttier@feddit.de to c/ich_iel@feddit.de
ich🏛️iel (feddit.de)
submitted 8 months ago by barttier@feddit.de to c/ich_iel@feddit.de
ichXiel (feddit.de)
submitted 8 months ago by barttier@feddit.de to c/ich_iel@feddit.de
ich🦸iel (feddit.de)
submitted 8 months ago by barttier@feddit.de to c/ich_iel@feddit.de
classified (feddit.de)
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by barttier@feddit.de to c/memes@lemmy.ml
[-] barttier@feddit.de 67 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Good. Now we need that ban in germany too. I don't know why those are legal in the first place. It's useless pollution and wastes ressources.

[-] barttier@feddit.de 55 points 9 months ago

Die gleichen Versager jammern dann rum: "Nix haben wir in der Bahn."

Ja wegen euch bescheuerten Sackgesichtern. Man kann ja nichtmal eine Steckdose installieren ohne dass ihr daraus eine Gefahrenquelle macht.

Im Übrigen finde ich auch, dass das manipulieren von Funktionsobjekten im öffentlichen Raum für die Allgemeinheit massiv beschissener ist als allgemeine Sachbeschädigung. Eine besprühte Wand sieht im besten Fall gut aus, im schlechtesten Fall schlecht (Ggf Materialschäden je nach Untergrund, so genau kenne ich mich da nicht aus). Eine manipulierte Steckdose ist eine Gefahrenquelle, versuchte Körperverletzung und es schadet der Gesellschaft, weil es unseren Alltagskomfort oder sogar die Sicherheit im Alltag beeinträchtigt. Dementsprechend finde ich, dass hier neben der deutlich schwerer wiegenden versuchten Körperverletzung aber auch geringerer Schaden am Gemeinwohl hinzukommt, der ungeachtet der Körperverletzung auch problematisch und schwerer zu bewerten ist als banale Sachbeschädigung.

Zl;ng: Das ist (nicht nur, aber auch) der Grund weswegen wir keine schönen Dinge haben können.

[-] barttier@feddit.de 53 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Na ist doch super. Er ist den Posten los, also ist ihm Gerechtigkeit widerfahren. Kannst wieder essen. Erzieh dein Kind du würdelose

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by barttier@feddit.de to c/memes@lemmy.ml
gotta go fast (feddit.de)
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by barttier@feddit.de to c/memes@lemmy.ml


[-] barttier@feddit.de 37 points 10 months ago

"Ja, aber ich bin ja nicht so ein Arbeitsloser/Geringverdiener/Ausländer/Arbeiter wie die anderen. Ich bin aus reinem Pech hier gelandet."

submitted 10 months ago by barttier@feddit.de to c/parenting@lemmy.world

My wife continues to use Reddit and the german counterpart to this community. A user got in touch and asked what you could do if you had become listless and anxious as a result of your interaction with the child. The key question was probably: "Where do you get your strength from?" There were many answers that were aimed at constructive assistance, leisure time compensation, physical problems, or depression were considered in the comments and an offer of options on how to proceed.

But my wife was bothered by a comment and I think she was right. A user replied, her love would be enough. This is absolutely condescending and presumptuous because it assumes that the desperate parent who is trying to get better would love their child less or that it is their own fault.

I just wanted to get rid of that, because due to my job as a kindergarten teacher (or is it educator?) I am often confronted with thoughtless statements that may even have been meant nicely, but don't bother to take a foreign position or to find a sustainable solution.

fishy (feddit.de)
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by barttier@feddit.de to c/linguistics_humor@sh.itjust.works
[-] barttier@feddit.de 73 points 10 months ago

Yes, but different mites. Their lifespan is too short. Horses however have to endure years of farting.

[-] barttier@feddit.de 94 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

You can't 100% complete it.

The AI is stupid af.

NPCs tend to stand in your way.

Most NPCs have terrible design.

Somebody broke the weather mechanics.

Worst. quests. ever.

The grind is meaningless and unrewarding.

If I kill something I'm the bad guy.

No respawn.

Also bugs. Literally.

[-] barttier@feddit.de 82 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Hell, yeah! Sign me in.

Sidenote: Install bidet.

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