Testing 10.9.0 (lemmy.ca)
submitted 3 months ago by anthonylavado@lemmy.ca to c/jellyfin@lemmy.ml

From Project Lead Joshua:

New blog post: https://jellyfin.org/posts/testing-10.9.0

This is our official announcement of the 10.9.0 feature freeze, as well as an overview of the upcoming release plan and instructions on how to help test it and report bugs! The more people we get testing early, the more bugs we can find and squash before the planned release in ~1 month! Happy watching!

Discussion: https://forum.jellyfin.org/t-testing-10-9-0

[-] anthonylavado@lemmy.ca 6 points 3 months ago

I'll be honest, I have no idea. There were no toggles and as far as I can tell the IPK seems to be the same size. I would consult the terms and conditions of the LG Content Store and make the best decision for yourself 🙂

[-] anthonylavado@lemmy.ca 9 points 3 months ago

It was previously only available to webOS 6 (2022 models) or newer, then we expanded it to webOS 5/5.5 (2020 or newer), and now it's all models.

[-] anthonylavado@lemmy.ca 15 points 3 months ago

Wow the spam was off the charts. Sucks to not have a "mass delete" function.

[-] anthonylavado@lemmy.ca 22 points 3 months ago

I banned the user who was spamming us, and nuked the comments. Mod Log shows they're going around.

submitted 3 months ago by anthonylavado@lemmy.ca to c/jellyfin@lemmy.ml

Good news for all - Our LG webOS app is now approved for all versions! No more developer mode or homebrew required, just go the content store and install!

If you currently have the developer or homebrew versions installed, please make sure to remove those before using the store version.


submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by anthonylavado@lemmy.ca to c/jellyfin@lemmy.ml

New point release! Jellyfin 10.8.13 is available.

This release fixes two security bugs, one very serious, so please update your server as soon as you can.

See the forum post for more details:


EDIT 2023-11-29

FYI Due to a regression in our Jellyfin FFmpeg (https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin/issues/10654), we've pushed a new combined Docker image at version 10.8.13-1. All the server and web code is identical, it just has the updated jellyfin-ffmpeg package included. latest has been updated to match.

EDIT 2023-12-01

For anyone using the macOS .DMG (installer), we missed bundling ffprobe in the package.

A new build has been uploaded to our download page. Look for jellyfin_10.8.13-1.dmg.

[-] anthonylavado@lemmy.ca 39 points 9 months ago

I'm not approving any hat expenses

[-] anthonylavado@lemmy.ca 5 points 9 months ago

I just double checked it and it's set to never expire.

submitted 9 months ago by anthonylavado@lemmy.ca to c/jellyfin@lemmy.ml
[-] anthonylavado@lemmy.ca 4 points 9 months ago

I believe they reached out to us a few months ago, but discussions stalled because of contractual issues (NDAs and the like). We'll see.

submitted 9 months ago by anthonylavado@lemmy.ca to c/jellyfin@lemmy.ml

Jellyfin 10.8.11 is here! Forum announcement: https://forum.jellyfin.org/t-new-server-web-hotfix-release-10-8-11

GitHub release notes: https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin/releases/tag/v10.8.11

Windows and macOS installers already available on our main site. Go and get it!

[-] anthonylavado@lemmy.ca 77 points 9 months ago

Thanks for the praise! We're not on Lemmy too much, but someone in the Core Team caught site of this and shared it with me. If you're wondering who I am: github

[-] anthonylavado@lemmy.ca 17 points 9 months ago

No, you don't have to pay us a dime.

[-] anthonylavado@lemmy.ca 5 points 10 months ago

A fix is to disable the Power Management (or whatever it may be called) for the Android app in your phone's settings. Depending on the manufacturer, this will have a a different name, and it is often quite aggressive. That said, there are some tailor-made music apps for Android, which are also a good choice.

[-] anthonylavado@lemmy.ca 3 points 11 months ago

It has the starting pieces of bigger changes to the playback engine.

New Forum (lemmy.ca)

From project lead Joshua…

We are pleased to announce that we have created a new forum for the Jellyfin community:


More detail can be found in our blog post: https://jellyfin.org/posts/new-forum

You can see the welcome message here: https://forum.jellyfin.org/welcome and the forum rules here: https://forum.jellyfin.org/rules, or you can jump right to registering here: https://forum.jellyfin.org/register, using either native forum registration or using an account from Discord, GitHub, Google, Reddit, StackExchange, or Twitter.

As part of this, we have also decided to close our Reddit community presence permanently. Please see the message there: https://old.reddit.com/r/jellyfin/comments/14c2bfg/rjellyfin_is_now_closed_please_visit_us_at_our/ for details.

We also have a new status page for seeing the live monitoring status of our infrastructure and announce maintenance, to confirm if things are down just for you or for everyone: https://status.jellyfin.org

We hope to see you there!

[-] anthonylavado@lemmy.ca 3 points 1 year ago

Core Team representative here 👋

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joined 1 year ago