[-] andyburke@fedia.io 4 points 2 days ago

For the operatives put in danger and/or killed, it was worth human life?

You seem to be ignoring that Assange either knowingly or unknowingly risked peoples' lives, people who had often given those lives into great risk in service of their country.

When the leaks first happened, I was supportive of Wikileaks (a natural position for an anti-war person like me). Later, when it was revealed that there had been no or little due diligence to ensure the information had been vetted and scrubbed, I realized how extreme it can be on both ends of the political spectrum.

Stop trying to paint this with some large political brush.

Assange is not a hero. The US government is not innocent.

[-] andyburke@fedia.io 2 points 2 days ago

What you are looking for is called a scooter.

[-] andyburke@fedia.io -3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

| Yes, but see you . . . |
| don't understand: I . |
| WILL play them. . . . |
\----------------\ .. /--------/
. x x . . . x . \ / . . . x
.. \/ . . . / . . ⚰️ . v/

[-] andyburke@fedia.io 2 points 3 days ago

Have you ... ever watched Blade Runner?

[-] andyburke@fedia.io 6 points 4 days ago

The cars might be, but their weights are their weights and that is an apples to apples comparison in the context of

And now to make lighter EVs that don't wear on the road so much.

[-] andyburke@fedia.io 4 points 5 days ago

Ask them to explain.

[-] andyburke@fedia.io 14 points 5 days ago

Gracious of them to accept this resolution.


... at least how it'd be for me.

[-] andyburke@fedia.io 184 points 1 month ago

Fined less than $40k. Great, problem fixed, everyone!

[-] andyburke@fedia.io 161 points 2 months ago

Stop stealing our CPU cycles for high risk rootkits and start mitigating and detecting cheating on the server.

It's that easy.

I stopped playing games that want this bullshit. Don't need that shit in my life.

[-] andyburke@fedia.io 191 points 3 months ago

I get the joke.

But if, like me, you actually feel this here's how I got away from it: make sure you actually understand things.

Read the error message over and over again, look up the words, understand what it is saying.

If something isn't working, start reading the code and making sure you understand what each line is doing.

It will feel incredibly slow and painful at first. Eventually you will strengthen those.muscles, however, and it'll become second nature.

Then you can cut and paste with confidence! 🤣

[-] andyburke@fedia.io 156 points 3 months ago

Unfettered capitalism.

Time to tax the corporations and the wealthy for their fair share again.

Want to solve almost all our problems? Redistribute wealth from the 1% who spend it on yachts to the rest of us to spend on healthcare, wages, etc.

Small business owner making 6 figures a year? I am not talking about you.

Spez, making 9 figures? That is who I am talking about and where the problem lies.

[-] andyburke@fedia.io 319 points 7 months ago

Someone gets naked so everyone loses their minds.

People shoot up schools: thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers....

Religion is insanity.

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