[-] ad_on_is@lemmy.world 3 points 4 hours ago

Procrastinating... I feel, whenever I postpone something for tomorrow, days fly by faster than usual.

[-] ad_on_is@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

Similarly in Scandinavia. Friends, who live in Sweden, told me about multiple people claiming how Sweden is turning more fascist, compared to previous years.

[-] ad_on_is@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago

with your previous comment you went far afield, but you're not wrong either.

If they managed to push this thing through, they might as well force other laws onto people.

[-] ad_on_is@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago

Und genau das tun sie eben nicht. Sie leben nicht in Frieden. Sie schikanieren die Palästinenser seit sie begonnen haben sich widerrechtlich auszubreiten. Das Problem in der DACH region ist, dass davon nichts berichtet wird in den Medien, und es werden nur Halbwahrheiten bzw. Lügen verbreitet.

[-] ad_on_is@lemmy.world 10 points 3 days ago

I live in Austria, so no need to translate. Well, A. Baerbock knows her position is fragile atm. She had a different tone, or better yet, no tone at all the whole time. Politicians are realizing now, how bad Israels position is, and that any further support might cost them votes (and their career)

I follow tarek bae on IG for "independent" news coverage regarding palestine, Israel and germany.

[-] ad_on_is@lemmy.world 13 points 3 days ago

Filling out a piece of paper prevents no one from being racist

[-] ad_on_is@lemmy.world 11 points 3 days ago

The great sea - A human history of the Mediterranean by david abulafia.

It's not Palestine/Israel specific, but a "broad" history about the Mediterranean .

[-] ad_on_is@lemmy.world 10 points 4 days ago

I can send you some books to your home address, if you prefer it that way?

[-] ad_on_is@lemmy.world 12 points 4 days ago

it's not their opinion... it's facts.

Since COVID I'm done with links...

So, you rather accept someone else's opinion, instead of building your own one? That's how the Nazi-regime started in the first place.

[-] ad_on_is@lemmy.world 10 points 4 days ago

If you're not willing to learn, then don't ask people to educate you!

[-] ad_on_is@lemmy.world 13 points 4 days ago

the thing is, why the fuck do I have to answer questions about Israel, China, Uganda, or Madagascar or any country, other than Germany, when applying for a German citizenship? That's absurd!

[-] ad_on_is@lemmy.world 15 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

not OP, but, google Mandatory Palestine

submitted 4 days ago by ad_on_is@lemmy.world to c/world@lemmy.world

I've a minipc running an AMD 5700U where I host some services, including ollama and openwebui.

Unfortunately the support of rocm isn't quite there yet and not to mention that of mobile GPUs.

Surprisingly the prompts work when configured to use the CPU, but the speed is just... well, not good.

So, what'd be a cheap and energy efficient setup to run sone kind of LLM for personal use, but still get decent speed?

I was thinking about getting an e-gpu case, but I'm not sure about how solid this would end up.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by ad_on_is@lemmy.world to c/world@lemmy.world

Working in a kibbutz that was ravaged by Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, Otmazgin — a volunteer commander with ZAKA, an Israeli search and rescue organization — saw the body of a teenager, shot dead and separated from her family in a different room. Her pants had been pulled down below her waist. He thought that was evidence of sexual violence.

It was worth a try (lemmy.world)


I like how GF shows me articles (with images) of different websites and topics.

I tried freshrss, and the general RSS workflow, but it's somehow too frustrating having 20 articles of the same site when scrolling through the feeds and it also looks somehow dull without images.

But maybe it's just me not using the right tools.

What do you guys use to aggregate news about different topics?


As someone who listens to a lot of niche artists, I was upset, that not all albums were present in MusicBrainz. So I came up with a solution.

Meet Lidarr++Deemix!


This tool helps to enrich Lidarr, by providing a custom proxy, that hooks into the process without modifying Lidarr itself, and injects additional albums from deemix.

submitted 2 months ago by ad_on_is@lemmy.world to c/opensource@lemmy.ml

As someone who listens to a lot of niche artists, I was upset, that not all albums were present in MusicBrainz. So I came up with a solution.

Meet Lidarr++Deemix!


This tool helps to enrich Lidarr, by providing a custom proxy, that hooks into the process without modifying Lidarr itself, and injects additional albums from deemix.

submitted 3 months ago by ad_on_is@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I'm trying to package and publish a tool I've been working on, but for the life of me, I'm struggling with Flatpak.

It's a wails app, that relies on webkit2-4.0 and some additional libraries that are not present in any of the Sdks I'm using. (javascriptcore, etc...)

To get those libs, I tried building the app AND webkit itself against the specific platform. But since webkit takes such a long time to build, I'm running in circles.



Basically title. Is it common to use some kind of RAID for backing up other RAIDs or do people just go with single drives?


I've been using Google for the last decade and am owly moving away from it.

I'm on Fastmail (FM) right now. While I love their mailservice, the calendar and contacts integration is okey-ish, compared to Google.

Right now, my contacts are scattered across these services. New contacts that I add on my Android phone, are obviously not available on FM, and vice versa.

Therefore I'd like to setup a self hosted solution to manage contacts/calendars on a centralized place.

But right now, I can't seem to wrap my head around this topic. I often see caldav/cardav mentioned, but don't know how exactly they are related.

FYI: I'm a software developer, and I already host a bunch of services behind a reverse proxy.

Example scenarios:

  • Install a full-featured calendar app (mobile, desktop, web) -> connect to my service
  • Someone sends me a calendar invite to FM -> sync to my service
  • I add a new contact on my Android phone -> sync to my service (make it visible in FM)
  • I add a new contact in FM -> sync to my service
  • I send a new calendar invite via FM -> sync to my service
  • Bonus I send a new calendar invite via App, and it get's sent via FM to the recepients.

So my question is what self-hosted solutions (besides Nextclowd) are out there that would allow me to accomplish that?

submitted 3 months ago by ad_on_is@lemmy.world to c/opensource@lemmy.ml


Hey guys,

I've been building a frontend for restic the past couple of weeks, and it's at the stage where the app is finally ready and usable. So I wanted to share it with the world. Oh, and it's FOSS of course.

It's intended to be used either as a cross-platform desktop app (built using wails) or to be run in a Docker container, for homelab uses, etc.

PRs and feature requests are more than welcome :-)

Right now, I could also use some help for distributing it across the different platforms, AUR, Flatpak, etc.

I hope you guys like it. Cheers!



Hey guys,

I've been building a frontend for restic the past couple of weeks, and it's at the stage where the app is finally ready and usable. So I wanted to share it with the world. Oh, and it's FOSS of course.

It's intended to be used either as a cross-platform desktop app (built using wails) or to be run in a Docker container, for homelab uses, etc.

PRs and feature requests are more than welcome :-)

Right now, I could also use some help for distributing it across the different platforms, AUR, Flatpak, etc.

I hope you guys like it. Cheers!

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joined 11 months ago