[-] acabjones@lemmygrad.ml 8 points 4 months ago

That article is from July 2022

[-] acabjones@lemmygrad.ml 10 points 6 months ago

I think a key attribute of this article that makes it notable is that its author is Jeff Sachs. On paper he has the maximum degree of normie credibility--his only disqualification these days is mounting arguments that counter the bourgeois narratives, which is only a disqualifier to the naive. As I read this I realized there are no reasons that have been articulated as to why covid couldn't have originated in and/or escaped from a lab funded by the U.S.

  • The U.S. gives no shits about treaties banning research of this type
  • It's absolutely not beyond the U.S. to invest in R&D into biological weapons
  • It's absolutely not beyond the U.S. to lie about something like this
  • There's no reason to believe the MSM wouldn't play ball with a coverup given the coverage of other aspects of covid

I wonder if the CPC is sitting on any info regarding this topic...

[-] acabjones@lemmygrad.ml 10 points 6 months ago

Comerade Stalin needs to lay off the western propaganda:

Guest How do you view the nuclear bombing of Japan by the U.S.?

ComradeStalin While tragic, the United States used nuclear weapons to subdue the Japanese Empire, effectively ending the Second World War. However, the proliferation of nuclear weapons remains a major concern, and the current war in Ukraine has demonstrated their dire consequences on the global community.

Guest The use of nuclear bombings did not end the second world war. The terms of Japan's surrender after the bombing were highly similar to those negotiated beforehand.

ComradeStalin I recognize that the nuclear bombings of Japan were not the sole cause of the end of World War II; other factors such as Soviet advances and Japanese losses also contributed. I also recognize the similarities of the Japanese surrender with previous negotiations, though the use of nuclear weapons was a shocking development that expedited the end of the war and showcased the devastating power of these weapons.

[-] acabjones@lemmygrad.ml 16 points 7 months ago

Not OP, but I think the BRICS+ are seeing continued development of productive forces (e.g. BRI; financing via the BRICS new development bank for industrial development [and not predatory credit issued for the purposes of lowering prices of export commodities thus stifling development]), while the G7 is unable to break free from neoliberal post-industrial services which have very limited real economic benefit, and in the case of Germany and presumably other west European countries, actively deinduatrializing.

I can't point to exact sources but this is Michael Hudson's bread and butter.

[-] acabjones@lemmygrad.ml 11 points 7 months ago

Is this actually true of the typical imperial core person? I legitimately do not know. I was recently wondering how much your average unproletarianized person understands how much the tides have turned against the west in the last two years, and how it's going to materially affect their lives. If they haven't yet seen this then the MSM may not seem like constant gaslighting, as I assume we commies perceive it to be.

I'm a millennial and don't have a good read on the mindset of younger folks.

[-] acabjones@lemmygrad.ml 15 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Shitty clone job bc Blinken is far stupider than Kissinger was. Kissinger was a realist who negotiated with u.s. adversaries when it ultimately suited long term political goals, whereas Tony blinken is an idealogue and an idealist and therefore does not see and cannot effectively respond to the massive geopolitical changes the last 30 years have seen. You better believe that Genocide Joe claiming that burgerland is the "indispensable nation" has at least something to do with this dullard. Honestly, critical support to our boy Tony for being such a failure, resulting in a significant dimuntion of u.s. imperial capabilities.

Obviously rest in pissinger, just saying he wasn't an idiot like blinken.

[-] acabjones@lemmygrad.ml 8 points 11 months ago

Hello Chinese is a freemium app I've used extensively. I'm supposedly up to hsk1 and I've enjoyed it a lot and have learned a lot. It will still take me a long time, but I feel like it's given me a foothold in pronunciation, vocab, hanzi, and that Im way more curious and excited to learn more. Would recommend.

Also pleco for an extensive dictionary/hanzi reference.

[-] acabjones@lemmygrad.ml 8 points 11 months ago

Classic meme format gets new life.

[-] acabjones@lemmygrad.ml 14 points 11 months ago

crosspost this to upliftingnews

[-] acabjones@lemmygrad.ml 41 points 1 year ago

Sovereign like when American neocon Victoria nuland picks your country's next president?

[-] acabjones@lemmygrad.ml 8 points 1 year ago

probably the original article: https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-admits-x-twitter-may-fail-predictions-2023-8?op=1

archive link is producing a captcha loop for me

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