Are there actually people complaining that she's ugly..? She literally looks like a model, just with some scars.
It's a fork of Greek temple.
Biggus Dickus is next in line.
Cloudy, with a chance of bourgeoisie heads?
Nobody was busted, this is a clickbait post. Even the article just says they hired 2 cosplayers as entertainers, company never pretended that they were robots.
But this "unprocessed salami" can speak. Kinda puts them on level playing field.
Unless, of course, salami is voiced by Eddie Murphy, in which case it's an easy pick.
Scientific method is the best tool we have to achieve "pure objectivity and truth", but it's not perfect. The primary point of failure being application of it by extremely subjective creatures.
Here's a lifehack:
- Quickly switch your gender to woman.
- Womansplain her everything that needs to be explained.
- (optional) Undo the gender switch.
Ultimately, both of those commenters are annoying. Saying "I use Arch btw" is a useless self-serving statement that provides no benefit or information to the audience. But engaging with that message in the manner displayed is also pointless and stupid, even if the statement is correct.
The saving grace for the "Linux user" commenter is that they are self aware about being annoying, judging by their last comment. So hopefully they were just being ironic. Or rage baiting.
I use(d) Arch, btw.
But for real, it's probably GPT-3.5, which is free anyway.
Obligatory "um, akhtually, it's magma".