[-] a_new_sad_me@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago


I wonder what I did wrong in the first time I searched for this that I couldn't find anything.

So if I understand this correctly it is Greek mythology -> actual sea creature -> brain part.

[-] a_new_sad_me@lemmy.world 8 points 2 days ago

This happened to me, but then I went to investigate where the name "campus" came from, since campus has nothing to do with sea in Greek. All I found is that there was a sea monster in Greek mythology of that name ...

(In Percy Jackson, there are sea horse which are proper horses only of the sea, I'm not sure where Rick Riden took the inspiration for them from)


I like browsing through the "all" to discover new community and topics I'm unaware off. I used to do it also on Reddit. There, whenever I would subscribe to a community, I'd filter it out of the all view. Here I'm using block, but this would block the sub also from my home view. So, is ther a way to filter out the communities I'm already following?

[-] a_new_sad_me@lemmy.world 11 points 1 month ago

At this stage, my planning as a GM is to throw the situation at them, listen to their scenarios, and pick the one I like.

[-] a_new_sad_me@lemmy.world 34 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Two examples:

  1. They found a skeleton that dates before writing was invented (like way before). The skeleton had a broken bone that heeled. Which means that someone was taking care of them. So before writing was invented human have already established a society that allowed for supporting of the weak.
  2. There are poop and fart jokes in Greek plays.
[-] a_new_sad_me@lemmy.world 13 points 2 months ago

Sure they can "Wendy's lunch menu, up to X" or "Wendy's night snack, as low as Y"

submitted 2 months ago by a_new_sad_me@lemmy.world to c/askandroid

Hi guys.

I have a Samsung s24U, and JBL Tune Beam. For whatever reason, it is not picked up by the phone audio players. Activating the Google assistant works fine. But if I want to play/pause audio it doesn't work. I tried this with podcast republic (a poscatcher), youtube and the audio player. I'm not even sure how to track this.

Any of you have an idea?

[-] a_new_sad_me@lemmy.world 90 points 7 months ago

Israeli here:

  1. Every house in Israel has to have a safe room by law
  2. The place where she lived was close to the border but completely within Israel. It wasn't a settlement at all.
  3. Most kibbutzim in Israel are known to be centre-left. This is well-known to anyone who even vaguely follow the Israeli media (and Hammas follow)

Hammasb (not the Palestiniens, Hammas) knew exactly who they murder. There is no excuse to wash their hand.


Far away


I am the *egg-man




Arik Einstein - The song about Yossi the parot

(parot is a type of a pet).




There's a line in the song "got a monkey on my back"


Cow -> Diablo (secret cow level in Diablo 2) -> Devil

submitted 8 months ago by a_new_sad_me@lemmy.world to c/emacs@lemmy.ml

Hi guys.

So I figured out I should try to work with Codeium on emacs for a while. See how I like it and if I feel I need it. Seemingly this is easy. Codeium.el say that I should just clone into the repo and add it to my init file. Right? Wrong. I'm clearly doing something wrong. Since no matter what I do I cannot run the m-x codeium-install part. I only get "no match" output.

I've tried to place the (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/codeium.el") both in the ~/.emacs and the ~/.emacs.d/init.el file with no success. I also tried renaming the codeium.el library to be just codeium (and updating the init file) still with no luck.

So what am I doing wrong here? This should be simple to do, I'm sure of it.

[-] a_new_sad_me@lemmy.world 11 points 8 months ago

I recall something about the engineers in SpaceX wanting to follow NASA's lesson and Elon basically telling them "trust me, we don't need that".

[-] a_new_sad_me@lemmy.world 5 points 9 months ago

I'll reply here also to @ratumoko@kbin.social - the building security is a joke. The company rents some offices in these share-space buildings. And there is no real security beyond that (OK, fine, also some cameras). I suspect that they use this system just to keep costumers happy, feeling like there is some security system in place. I'll try the RFID ring and see if it works.

But my "real" question here is how come I didn't find any app/instruction for making my phone itself an RFID keycard. As I type this I realize that this might be due to needing a specific frequency that the phone cannot produce(?)

That's the technology they use: https://nfc-tools.github.io/resources/standards/iso14443A/

[-] a_new_sad_me@lemmy.world 23 points 9 months ago

Nova launcher. It is the only one I manage to configure so the app drawer is opened via macrodroid (almost) only.

[-] a_new_sad_me@lemmy.world 9 points 9 months ago

In a world where remotes are scarce, I could see how this would be a concern, yes.

[-] a_new_sad_me@lemmy.world 7 points 10 months ago

The question is what can you do when it is in that situation?

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