[-] _NetNomad@kbin.run 20 points 1 day ago

young ferengi takes human expression "break a leg" too literally

[-] _NetNomad@kbin.run 33 points 3 days ago

Tales of the Jedi did a really good job fleshing Dooku out. many star wars villains are unambigiously evil- that's what happens when dark wizardry is very real and a viable career path i guess- but Dooku really thought he was doing the right thing at first, like a more selfless Anakin. a lot of Star Wars media does a great job illustrating that the Republic and the Jedi were deeply flawed, but don't make the jump to saying that many if not most planets joined the CIS in good faith for that reason- i guess because the new non-droids we see in the CIS are all asshats or aforementioned evil wizards, but still! the fight against the republic and the rebellion against the empire were essentially the same conflict from a certain point of view...

[-] _NetNomad@kbin.run 4 points 3 days ago

yamaha all the way. nothing beats the fresh taste of frequency modulation

[-] _NetNomad@kbin.run 7 points 5 days ago

if i had a nickel for every time Spock faced off against a unique species of cat-like predator from Vulcan, i'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice

[-] _NetNomad@kbin.run 8 points 1 week ago

i mean these days you don't really need to buy the books to play- you can learn how to play from an Actual Play, reference the rules in a VTT, and have your DM learn from a youtuber. that really leaves WotC either in the business of making solid modules and supplements, or just making knick knacks- and they've clearly chosen the latter, at least until they can force whatever subscription model they can on the exclusive VTT they'll have for 6e

[-] _NetNomad@kbin.run 6 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

assuming reasonable definitions of "new" and "old," i'd wager there's been more good old music than good new music for most of human history. it all comes down to numbers- there's simply more old music than new music! there are factors that i do genuinely think make pop music not as good today as it could be (see: streaming companies), but that's a rounding error compared to the sheer scale of music history, plus all the bedroom artists making up for anything lacking in today's pop music.

that said, if you spend any time focused on a specific period or specific periods, it will not take long to find stinkers, if only because everyone has different taste and you're bound to find something you just don't jive with eventually. i've been in spaces where people who love classic rock for example review classic rock albums and their analyses are sometimes so brutal you wonder if there's anything they DO like

[-] _NetNomad@kbin.run 12 points 2 weeks ago

i never got where people thinking burnham is a mary sue comes from. the whole concept of her character is that she's a cowboy loose cannon without the competence to back it up. it's specifically a subversion of every time our hero breaks the rules and steals The Ship and it ends up being ok because they saved the day or stopped the big war or whatever. the series starts with her trying to do just that, bringing about what she wanted to prevent, and getting arrested for it!

[-] _NetNomad@kbin.run 8 points 3 weeks ago

i avoid anything wireless like the plague short of wifi. pairing is always a miserable process, and by the time everything is connected, the batteries are dead. it drives me absolutely bonkers. thankfully many motorolla phones still have 3.5mm jacks . i think my current model is the motorolla 5g stylus

[-] _NetNomad@kbin.run 20 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

dark tower, mad mage, delving through the thracian caves. castle greyhawk, arden vul, castle of mad archmage too. dwimmer mount, barrow maze, chaos way down in the caves. lonely mountain, stone hell, tonigsborg dungeon as well, WE DIDN'T START THE FIRE-

[-] _NetNomad@kbin.run 18 points 2 months ago

these prices are astronomical

[-] _NetNomad@kbin.run 37 points 2 months ago

they don't advertize it because they don't think its sexy or whatever but their mainframe business is still going strong if only because they're the last player left in the market

[-] _NetNomad@kbin.run 9 points 2 months ago

segmentation fault (c and c++ dumped)

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