COD:BO6 was just announced and all the comments talk about how the collab skins will drop after 4 months in the game and I was thinking to myself: "You know what, I wouldn't mind a [TSwift/Spiderman/any celeb collab] if it was well implemented" For exemple, if you want to have a Spidey skin, go for the black one, or make it with a camo, don't go full blue&red with glossy finish. If you want a Swifty skin, make it "war-ready". Use dark shades, add combat equipment, camo. I know it would be hard to represent some flashy characters like that but it's up to them to ruin the game IG.

Fortnite was in a good position as it already had a specific art style that allowed such skins to appear (even tho it loosed its original idea in the process) and also they at least try (I said try) to introduce collab in a lorefitting way.

Sky is Tumbling (www.youtube.com)

Just stumbled upon this gem.

If anyone knows similar artists/songs, share share share ❤️

[-] ViscloReader@lemmy.world 46 points 2 months ago

At this rate, they'll invent a portal gun

submitted 2 months ago by ViscloReader@lemmy.world to c/memes@lemmy.ml
submitted 2 months ago by ViscloReader@lemmy.world to c/pics@lemmy.world

I know Nvidia has a reputation for being bad with Linux. Is it better now? And most of all, what would be the best GPU for modern gaming on Linux (any distro)?

submitted 3 months ago by ViscloReader@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

(And what's your job?)


When we think about teleportation, there's always someone talking about how you should take into account the earth and the sun moving through space. Let's step back a little (not so much) what if the galaxy we're currently in is rotating really really fast around another, bigger, still unknown, spacial object?

submitted 3 months ago by ViscloReader@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world

I recently had the opportunity to play the video game The Finals on a very good computer with a 2070 or something along the line (and it was a bit laggy on medium 1080p)

I've always wanted to play this game when I saw the promotion material. On top of being interesting and good looking, it's actually really really fun.

However, after finishing my second quickplay, I got hit really hard by the fact that I would never be able to play such a game on decent quality 60fps. I guess it's not really about The Finals... But since good gpus aren't on the way to become affordable and I hear about some shortages of materials, I guess I have to say byebye to this.

PS: I could put Helldivers 2 here maybe also but I'm not sure

[-] ViscloReader@lemmy.world 36 points 3 months ago

What happened, who was this guy?

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by ViscloReader@lemmy.world to c/pcmasterrace@lemmy.world

I know this is a low budget •_•"

Where would you go cheap?

What part should be bought new?

For which part is dumpster diving okay'ish?


Hello lemmy! ^^

I was given this debate topic for an ethics class and since I really like this "small" tech savvy community that we have I wanted to know what were your thoughts.

I personally love the idea of replacing jobs so we can focus on the things we love and care (ranging from developing games to spending time with loved ones).

But on the other side I am rather scared that our society will not be able to follow the rapid growth of technology and put in place good regulations to avoid widening the gap between the top% and the rest of us

Thanks for your answers ^^

Now! Or else... (lemmy.world)
submitted 4 months ago by ViscloReader@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world

List your favorite games that can be played on integrated graphics (no dedicated gpu, like for laptops and such...)

[-] ViscloReader@lemmy.world 93 points 6 months ago

People hook up everywhere, plus if you meet through a game you already have a common interest and a lot of stuff to chitchat about Win/win

[-] ViscloReader@lemmy.world 33 points 6 months ago

The real MVPs are website not having cookies altogether

[-] ViscloReader@lemmy.world 40 points 6 months ago

What did he meant by The Linux problem?

[-] ViscloReader@lemmy.world 90 points 8 months ago

Microsoft ceo + empathy doesn't seem right

[-] ViscloReader@lemmy.world 34 points 8 months ago

That car looks very funny

[-] ViscloReader@lemmy.world 73 points 8 months ago

Just a heads up for companies thinking it's wrong to scrap: if you don't want info to be scraped, don't put it on the internet.

[-] ViscloReader@lemmy.world 80 points 8 months ago

Probably more like 99,999...%

[-] ViscloReader@lemmy.world 94 points 9 months ago

The monetisation of user data is really enshittifying products. At this point I wouldn't be against if a company would find it a "feature" to not require you to login/make an account and share data.

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