[-] Varyk@sh.itjust.works 1 points 54 minutes ago

Oh, thank you, you are absolutely correct.

I was baffled.

[-] Varyk@sh.itjust.works 1 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

The articles I provided to you are evidence of further ongoing trials specifically for PTSD using psilocybin, since you misread the original provided article. Follow-up and related studies are not irrelevant in therapeutic research, which you may recognize in all of your personally esteemed Molly studies.

The earlier article shows that psilocybin alleviates the PTSD symptoms you hope Molly will and provides the same benefits molly may provide eventually after clinical trials are completed.

Then you insult and make obviously incorrect assumptions about me instead of asking questions to remedy your ignorance.

You know what sam Jackson says about assumptions in the movie basic.

You're wearing blinders.

You personally like a less safe and less effective therapy. That is totally fine.

It's also very clear that it makes more sense to focus on a conclusively safe and effective therapy rather than an unsafe and less effective therapy.

I think people should do tons of drugs. That doesn't make all drugs safer or more effective in all situations.

I don't see the point of focusing on more dangerous, possibly effective future therapies when a safe, effective therapy is currently available for the same symptoms.

Pretty telling that "projection" is what's setting you off.

[-] Varyk@sh.itjust.works 24 points 12 hours ago

Okay, wow.

I came here to point out that this project has been done multiple times in the past, most popularly in black like me by Howard griffin, but the quotes that this new guy has written down and said are unbelievably hubristic and unaware.

I thought black like me was an interesting book because it came across more as a white guy trying to understand the black world so that he could personally better live in a world so shattered by adverse race relations, but he never insisted that people had to read it or made the type of self-agrandizing claims this new guy is making.

This forster guy! Yikes.

He goes on to write, "Nobody has an experiential barometer with respect to race, for that matter … nobody except for me," concluding, "My barometer is better than anyone else's."

he stands by his statement in the book summary on Amazon, where he calls Seven Shoulders "the most important book on American race relations that has ever been written."

"If I thought this would be the second best book, I wouldn't put it out," he said.

Doesn't sound like forster has the right perspective to conduct this research or publish this book, even if he had less than insulting intentions. Which, maybe he didn't, because those quotes are insane.

[-] Varyk@sh.itjust.works 0 points 13 hours ago

It's pretty clear you have blinders on when it comes to mdma, so I understand why you don't want to believe in the clinical results of a safer, more effective therapy for PTSD symptoms since that clashes with how you feel about MDMA.

It seems likely Molly will eventually become a less dangerous alternative to even more dangerous medications in dealing with certain symptoms, but I don't see the point in asking people to wait while we develop a less safe, more complicated therapy when we already have a cost-effective, completely safe and simple therapy available that conclusively treats those symptoms and provides the same benefits more dangerous therapies might provide in the future.

[-] Varyk@sh.itjust.works 1 points 14 hours ago

Of course you believe there's a "we", you are continually asserting your place within this research landscape to legitimize your anecdotes.

And again, psilocybin conclusively provides the same possible benefits you're proposing MDMA may provide without the physiological risk or burdensome therapeutic balancing and time management.

As for the "cardiovascular risks" of psilocybin, caffeine also comes with cardiovascular warnings and is twice as "toxic" as psilocybin, similar to the also more toxic MDMA.

It's fine if you personally like MDMA more and cool if you believe it helps you more than other therapies, but it doesn't make mdma more simple, safe or effective than psilocybin.

Maybe more research will come out later that legitimizes MDMA, or makes it as simple or as safe a therapy as psilocybin already is.

But not even a therapeutic process, let alone research on mdma is anywhere near conclusively positive yet, so I don't see the point of experimenting with more complicated unsafe medication when psilocybin is available, simple and safe.

[-] Varyk@sh.itjust.works 59 points 18 hours ago

Too many of those words are spelled correctly

[-] Varyk@sh.itjust.works 1 points 20 hours ago

I know Hansard best from the movie Once he made with marketa irglova, which is brilliant.

All of their songs on the once soundtrack and on their swell season albums are very pretty, but listening to hansard sing always sounds so tortured that I have trouble listening to him solo.

[-] Varyk@sh.itjust.works 4 points 1 day ago

Thanks, this is what I was wondering about.

[-] Varyk@sh.itjust.works 2 points 1 day ago

Oh, I was wondering why I had never heard of a Rocky horror sequel.

[-] Varyk@sh.itjust.works 2 points 1 day ago

I'm really trying to get through my absurdly backlogged watch list, so the last three days have been pretty cramped, but I'm glad I watched all of them.

Vivarium 2019, The Beach House 2019, The Belko Experiment 2016, nomad: in the footsteps of Bruce chatwin 2019, successful alcoholics 2010, kung Fu panda 2008, come out and play 2012, await further instructions 2018, my own private Idaho 1991

[-] Varyk@sh.itjust.works 24 points 1 day ago

Biden has increased government funding for low-income defendants, provided funding for independent media, increased wages, supported labor unions, railed against private companies for raising grocery prices, which have since come down, is prosecuting election interference currently with great success, and provided wider access and more funds for healthcare

You managed to choose pretty much every issue that he's markedly supported and improved

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Varyk@sh.itjust.works to c/linux4noobs@programming.dev

SOLVED by joneskind

I have Ubuntu 20.04.1, I've installed ollama and a couple llms, it's amazing, but tinyllama is gibberish and I've just realized I don't know how to remove the llms from my computer or where they're stored, or anything about them.

Mistral is very impressive btw


This is the most fun I've had with any Ninja turtles media since like that comic book where they had to fight a bunch of stuff some kid drew because he had a magic crystal.

The art is beautiful and very cool, the jokes were really fun, the turtles have great personalities and everyone is a great voice actor.

I had so much fun watching this.

There were even a few spots in the movie, like more than one where I was on the edge of my seat enthralled by the action sequences.

Highly recommended.

submitted 3 weeks ago by Varyk@sh.itjust.works to c/google@lemmy.world

submitted 3 weeks ago by Varyk@sh.itjust.works to c/animation@lemm.ee

So apparently 60 animated white ninja shorts based on the white ninja web comic aired on Vine, does anyone have any idea where they are now?


This place says season 2 is available on toonstar, but I didn't even know what that is.

I checked their website but there's nothing, like not even links anywhere to anything so I could poke around the site at all.


What an absolutely perfect depiction of this universe. I'm starting the second episode of season 1 now.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Varyk@sh.itjust.works to c/til@lemmy.world

Very weird that I am so old and have literally never heard this mentioned in a TV show or book or movie or anything.

In four out of five states, if you go to prison, you are literally paying for the time you spend there.

As you can guess, this results in crippling debt as soon as you're released.

The county gets back a fraction of what they hold over your head the rest of your life until you commit suicide(or die naturally and peacefully with the sword of damocles hanging over your head).

$20-$80 a day according to Rutgers.

Counties apparently sue people and employ wage garnishment to get back the money that majority of people obviously cannot pay back.


submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Varyk@sh.itjust.works to c/movies@lemmy.world

Update: Answered in the comments much more thoroughly and succinctly than I can summarize, so head below for some great answers.

She's apparently the warrant officer, which I've seen hypothetical explanations state is the XO, the second in command, but she explicitly states that she is the third officer at the end of the movie, and throughout The movie she is the pilot and she checks the electrician's work and volunteers to go fight the alien first, and also states that she is in command while the others were off the ship.

So was Kane second in command?

And what is a warrant officer?

Thank you

BTW if there is a crazy Aliens expert, I have a few tiny questions that only a crazy fan who literally read everything ever written and watched every interview about the movie might be able to answer.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Varyk@sh.itjust.works to c/til@lemmy.world

It was a footnote in an article I read about a monkey using blindsight and that there had been several experiments with humans proving blindsight existed and that surprised me. As a footnote.

There have been several experiments that indicate people can see without using their visual cortex.


Incidentally, it's a pretty great show. I am way more jazzed about watching this fan-made fallout show than I was when I saw the preview for the upcoming netflix show.

In case you want to check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPkaQM4NJKU&t=7522


And there's no way to fix it short of flashing a new rom,as I understand. Just have to deal with the extra step now.

I was not impressed with this phone and they just keep making it less-user friendly.

I mean how the fuck are they justifying not letting you see which devices are connected to your hotspot?


the thing opening scene (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 2 months ago by Varyk@sh.itjust.works to c/movies@lemmy.world

So the dog. Opening scene. If it's just looking to infect everyone it possibly can, it doesn't make a lot of sense for it to turn around and stare at the pursuing helicopter.

Are there prevailing fan theories about the reason that the dog, presumably the surviving thing, stopped and looked back at the pursuing helicopter?

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