I tried prowlar and had similar problems, plus it doesn't work with flaresolverr and SOCKS at the same time so I switched back

I have a dedicated machine that torrents and seeds 24/7 but for some random thing I use my main pc

just out of curiosity, how does it work to have both? since some traits are directly contradictory

Is Instander dead? (lemmy.dbzer0.com)

Hi, I used to use Instander to browse Instagram privately but it doesn't seem to be updated anymore, is there an alternative that you recommend that has similar features? Like "ghost mode" when watching stories

[-] Trincapinones@lemmy.dbzer0.com 232 points 1 week ago

The "it's not fair we pay for these games for them to then be pirated" says it all, it's not about the company becoming bankrupt because of piracy, it's because they don't want to feel bad once they have been scammed with a half made game that others have gotten for free. Because a half made game should be worthless


joined 2 weeks ago