[-] Treczoks@lemmy.world 0 points 3 hours ago

Or 3 out of 10 Americans are either to dumb or don't care as long as they have "Freedumb!" and "Gunnses!"

[-] Treczoks@lemmy.world 3 points 3 hours ago

Not even that. With about two mass shootings per day on average, most mass shootings don't make the news.

[-] Treczoks@lemmy.world 6 points 3 hours ago

It will probably be either a Brother Inkbenefit or an Epson Ecotank model.

[-] Treczoks@lemmy.world 5 points 6 hours ago

I wonder how they will spin it if the crew gets fried at re-entry - whenever this may be...

[-] Treczoks@lemmy.world 29 points 6 hours ago

A Canon printer. Not just a simple one, but a big (wide) one with real ink tanks, about 20 years ago.

Under Linux, I could only access basic printing services with that, and this only by using a default driver not made by Canon that happened to work. So I contacted Canon to get a proper user manual to create a proper device driver for this (something I could have done without problems), and basically got the answer that they would not support this, as "open source is theft of intellectual property". They also had some very choice words about Linux in general.

I assumed I just got an asshole on the phone, so when I attended Cebit a short time later (back then the biggest trade fair in Europe for things like that), I went to the Canon booth, explained my issue, and basically got the same reply. So I sold the Canon printer and bought an HP one. At least HP supported Linux and supplied working drivers. Sadly, they have really gone down the drain since that, so the next printer will be a different brand again...

[-] Treczoks@lemmy.world 6 points 6 hours ago

Even though I don't use Macs, this shows how important it is to block ads. They are not just "inconvenient", they are dangerous.

[-] Treczoks@lemmy.world 15 points 6 hours ago

Fuck that thing. THREE slots? I had to abandon one project and look for alternatives because my GFX card already block one slot from being used, but blocking two is crazy.

[-] Treczoks@lemmy.world 8 points 8 hours ago

Which "taxpeople"? The few super-rich are not paying their fair share anyway, so why should their opinion count?

[-] Treczoks@lemmy.world 12 points 8 hours ago

But think of all the popcorn we are able to consume watching you shitshow. This is way more entertaining than the usual movies, series, and shows that you produce!

[-] Treczoks@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago

Good luck with that.

[-] Treczoks@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago

I'm not into JS stuff, but when I read that google is blocking ads, shit must be flowing in gargantuan amounts...

[-] Treczoks@lemmy.world 20 points 1 day ago

They can link them to their own goals. They want to avoid that people might notice the signs and recognize them as a warning. Let me guess, "The Wave" has been banned there, too?

submitted 1 week ago by Treczoks@lemmy.world to c/lego@lemmy.world

My problem: I want to create an inventory of my parts. For that I need data I could look up on BL. Sadly, my storage has no internet whatsoever, so I need an offline solution.

I have found the LDRAW library inside the Studio installation, which gives me the parts and their design. They contain the name of the part, too, but only as a comment, and I have yet to verify if this is consistent. I think I could rig a software that renders me the picture as I need it for my application, so that's that.

But there are other files inside the Studio installation, and I wonder if there is a way to find the following information from this:

  • BL Category (Like "Brick" or "Plate Modified")
  • LEGO part numbers and colors that exists for a certain design
  • Parts Weight

I don't need any rapidly changing data like price or availability.

Has anyone here done this, or knows a software that does this?


Sounds easy? Well, it should have been. I'm not talking about a "Hello, World!" (although it is more or less on the same level for me). The goal was to write a set of three MQTT clients that properly talk with each other and interact nicely.

So I had to learn Python and MQTT on the same day. Should not be an issue after 40 years of programming. But it quickly turned out that the Python library/package for MQTT on Ubuntu was heavily outdated (1.6), and did not supply all the functions the documentation and examples (2.0) asked for. Using pip3 didn't work, as it complained that the package structure was maintained by the OS. In the end, I had to virtualize the python3 system and pip3 the 2.0 package there and run it.

After about three hours, I had the clients working as they should. Yes, I think MQTT is a good base for the next project.

submitted 11 months ago by Treczoks@lemmy.world to c/lego@lemmy.world

The new Eldorado Fortress is listed at €214.99. Is it just me, or is this set much to expensive for what it is? When I saw it, I thought "Maybe €150, €170 tops", and was shocked when I heard the real price.

I know (who doesn't?) that LEGO is not cheap, but this is not a Starwars set, it is 100% their own IP.

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