[-] TheArstaInventor@kbin.social 4 points 6 months ago

That is good indeed, artemis wasn't open source and the whole project's progress and work as a result was lost, glad to know a more open approach is being taken here!

[-] TheArstaInventor@kbin.social 4 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

BTW I highly suggest you make a launch announcement on places like m/KbinMeta here with github downloads linked to get more users' attention

EDIT: I think you made a concept post here a while ago?

[-] TheArstaInventor@kbin.social 4 points 6 months ago

Pretty much only threads as someone who has come from Reddit, I've avoided microblogging, never used Twitter before, hence I don't at all.

[-] TheArstaInventor@kbin.social 4 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Thank you for the reply.

From my point of view, you were offline because you had personal issues to deal with, and you dealt with that first, and simply resumed the development after that, and I also see no issues with Ernest being the owner because he is the owner and the founder despite the project being open source and sure, contributions had to go through him but that's fine as long as Kbin itself isn't dead, if it was, then asking him to remove that process would be more reasonable to let the rest of the community try to revive the project, but Kbin wasn't dying or so, it was merely paused for a short period of time.

I personally won't be hopping in-between projects like a kangaroo, I am invested and am already on Kbin so far, its good to have alternatives generally, but in this case, I personally see no reason to go for Mbin. I also encourage and hope potential future contributors focus on a set of projects and not spread themselves too thin.

We all have a life outside the internet, so pauses or breaks here and there is natural, this is less visible in big tech companies, more visible in small startups/projects in early stages which was really the case with Kbin, so we should be patient, I will be atleast :)

[-] TheArstaInventor@kbin.social 4 points 7 months ago

And it's probably because of this.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by TheArstaInventor@kbin.social to c/AskKbin@kbin.social

I'm gonna go with this:

"We screwed up our Planet, Earth is our last hope for humanity"

That'd be the biggest UNO reverse card ever.

[-] TheArstaInventor@kbin.social 4 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Also @okbuddyretard, I love your profile picture for some reason man, even if I am a straight guy, I didn't expect to see that when clicking this thread.

[-] TheArstaInventor@kbin.social 3 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

WORLD DOMINATION FOR SURE, and 1 million? nahh, a billion dollars, my main goal is to get up there with Elon, Jeff and Mark, and then buy Kbin, erase that X website with Kbin and the fediverse while absolutely destroying Reddit.

A solid plan isn't it? I'm cooking here bro, it's being made. I'll tell you that.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by TheArstaInventor@kbin.social to c/AskKbin@kbin.social

As a car enthusiast, I can think of a good one, the Ford Nucleon.

During the 1950s and 1960s, there was considerable interest in nuclear power and its potential applications. This led to the idea of using nuclear energy to propel cars. The concept behind a nuclear car was to utilize a small nuclear reactor to generate steam, which would then power the vehicle's engine.

Of course back in those days, this was extremely futurustic and some at the time thought this would be a game changer, but ultimately, the safety aspect was one of the biggest reasons why this idea was dropped, and I probably don't have to explain why it may not have considered to be safe, I mean, it was using nuclear power, so even if the engineers tried to make it as safe as possible, IF something went wrong, it would have been catastrophic.

Ever since then, the interests in the automotive sector has shifted to Electric and Hydrogen.

Still, a very intriguing concept car and idea.

Outside cars, you have blimps, and I personally believe if we tried to make something like a hindenburg today with existing technology, we might have been a lot more successful than back then (as it goes way back to 1930s), there are still some blimps used occasionally, I also don't believe those use hydrogen(?), but they are not the "game changer in air travel" it was once seen as, although we can't rule out a comeback.

What about you guys?

[-] TheArstaInventor@kbin.social 4 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Actually as I was explaining to another person, unfortunately, there is a reason.

I am living in Tampa, Florida, the nearby walmart to my house, has a huge parking lot, but a car corral near the entrance and ONE on a huge damn parking lot.

The thing is, while I am not against returning carts when possible in anyway, what can I do if I park my car all the way on the other side on the parking lot and not near the cart corrosal? And the reason I park there is because it's one of the few parking spots available in a busy day? I am sorry but in such cases, people will just leave the carts on the side and leave with their car.

Not to mention, the damn sun here, it gets absolutely hot here at times, even I don't see myself walking halfway to the other part of the parking lot just to leave a cart when I already walked all the way from the entrance carrying all of my groceries, I don't see myself returning in that case.

Again we need to think in practical real-life scenario, so not only should people start returning carts, stores that don't have enough cart returning points in parking lots especially, should increase them.

I am not saying I don't return carts because that actually doesn't apply to me, atleast lately, as I have been mainly ordering stuff online mostly.

I do also want to make it clear, I am in no way giving justifications for those who make these basic mistakes without a genuine reason, I don't ever see myself not returning a cart when there is indeed a fairly nearby cart corrosal, and unfortunately, there are people who won't return their cars even if they have a nearby car corral, and i'm not arguing for them!


What would be a good sign coming out of such people?

[-] TheArstaInventor@kbin.social 4 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

White sugar ESPECIALLY, just like the white bread, people, please go for ~~brown sugar~~ jaggery, wheat bread, the white ones are worse for health and very processed.



submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by TheArstaInventor@kbin.social to c/AskKbin@kbin.social

Original Post

Hello everyone! I'm launching a website for Kbin Migration today, a very very simple, basic and hopefully easy to use website with useful resources to help users move to Kbin and the fediverse from Reddit!

Before I started working on the website, I initiated and worked on launching r/KbinMigration, and worked on my first guide here.

But ever since Reddit attempted to ban my initatives here (just like it did with my past lemmy initatives) such as r/KbinMigration just to unban it later thanks to the community noticing Reddit's attempt at censoring it, and of course, me sending messages to r/reddit's mods explaining how they banned r/KbinMigration for "spam" ridiculously when we literally had only 2 pinned posts back then.

But I later realized that putting my resources on Reddit that help people migrate from Reddit probably isn't my greatest idea, and I shouldn't be surprised if Reddit ever decides to ban my iniatives in the future for good, especially if it gets bigger, hence I decided to stop updating my guide from r/KbinMigration and instead work on my own simple website, just a place outside Reddit where I can display the resources without having a potential risk of losing it which would mean making it inaccessible to those who need it.

In the past few months, I have taken other initatives as well, the most important one being my arrival to r/RedditAlternatives mod team (thankful for the opportunity!), to help the sub with moderation in my free time and improving the sub along with the other guys in the team, in ways we can. Apart from that, I also help moderate huge communities on Kbin itself, such as m/AskKbin.

This website is an important step in realizing my vision in hopefully being people from Reddit to Kbin and the Fediverse, and I hope all of you find it useful!

If you have any feedback for any of the guides/resources we have on Kbin Migration, let me know! I will continue to push more updates and new resources as this is just the beginning, hence more to come. I will also be promoting and sharing this initiative inside Kbin, especially within the communities I already moderate as well. I want this to be a user/community-run initative, so those who have any feedback, it will be very very valuable and certainly help me shape all the current and future resources we will have on Kbin Migration!

Thank you :)


Update V2, improved readability of text on the website, especially page text on guides, as we were using grey before but now we've switched to white, which means all the text should now appear clear and a lot more readable. This change was made based on user-feedback.

The main, first and introductory guide "The redditor's guide to how Kbin works" is now pinned on top by default, all other posts/guides will be shown after that. This change was also based on user-feedback.

Additionally, users can also now follow the website, and comment on any of the available guides to leave feedback and etc.

[-] TheArstaInventor@kbin.social 3 points 10 months ago

@ernest Should be available for all moderators, owners should atleast have an optional option to enable that.

And what happened to the requesting subs function? When is that coming out?



Ernest said this was coming last Monday? Has there been any updates yet? I haven't seen any announcements and I'm wondering if it's actually already here and I just haven't realized it?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by TheArstaInventor@kbin.social to c/kbinMeta@kbin.social

I only get notifications when somone DMs me, but when I make a post and people upvote/comment on it, I get no notification whatsoever.

My settings are default and I haven't changed much, so it's as it would have been when I first created an account, hence I don't believe I disabled anything either.

If it's not a me issue, then @ernest please do consider making this an important issue to be addressed, and the reason I say that is because it makes Kbin look dead to me, because when I don't get notified, people would have still conversed with me through my threads on the comments, and also when I don't get notified about upvotes apart from comments, I don't even know my post got that much traction unless I manually check it every time.

That being said I know the developer is very busy with Kbin, it's certainly a feat to create an all-in-one Lemmy and Mastodon alternative with a codebase built from scratch with activitypub compatibility.

So I do understand Kbin is in early development phase and this may already be planned (if yes, great), but even if it is or not, do make this a priority as without proper notifications, whenever I check back Kbin it looks too quiet (especially when it comes to the content I posted).

Edit: Okay sorry for the confusion. Upvotes do get notifications, even on Reddit but not for every upvote, for example if a post gets upvotes to 10, 50, 100, Reddit notifies you. That is what I mean't, not every upvote.

Thank you!

[-] TheArstaInventor@kbin.social 4 points 11 months ago

That's crazy, @ernest should consider solving this issue. For sure we can use uBlock Origin, but for the average user who may not know this method unless someone tells them, this can put them off.


I currently moderate communities like m/AskKbin and I would like to know if there is anyway using CSS, I can make my community look more like old reddit or more compact, so the user don't have to install a theme on their own and automatically see this style whenever they come to communities I moderate on Kbin.

If anyone can shed some light on this, I will edit and add the CSS instructions on this post so other mods can use it on their communities/magazines too.

BTW the reason I am asking this is because I have 0 knowledge when it comes to CSS.

[-] TheArstaInventor@kbin.social 3 points 11 months ago

I mean, iphones is widely a bigger business for them than macOS and the whole mac lineup.




Hello everyone!

I've launched a few other communities aside from r/AskKbin, and as a result, some of the rules will change as well, please keep reading to learn more.

  • m/Help: A magazine for all your questions (and get answers) about Kbin.

  • m/ModHelp: Are you a moderator of a magazine/community? And have any questions about how things work on the moderation side of things on Kbin? Join us there. It's early stage, we will also soon be launching more initatives to bring moderators together and establish moderator-focused community.

  • m/FindAKbin: Looking for a magazine/community? Join us there and ask it right away, someone will help you find the right community you are looking for.

Linked Magazines listed above are from the kbin.social instance, hence if you are in another instance, please click "Magazines" on the top bar and try searching for these communities manually instead, if you can't find some, give it some time, as they grow, they may appear. Remember federation on Kbin is still early stage and is being improved, it may take some time to appear. You can also try requesting your instance admin to look over if a community doesn't appear on your instance even after a certain period of time.

As a result, any posts that may be posted here on AskKbin that would otherwise belong on any of the above magazines would be removed moving forward and re-directed to the appropriate community. Why this change? To improve the quality of content here and especially as Kbin is a new platform, many platform related questions, for example, may appear and a dedicated community for that is much better than having all that thrown in one community, as we want more broad, general topics discussed here other than Kbin itself. it's one of the many things I have learned from being a long time reddit moderator as moderation when done rightly, is vital for the community's health/growth. Also do keep in mind the mentioned communities above are in early stage, and will continue to be improved. We may also bring more partner magazines!

I'd also like to very much thank many of those who have been contributing to our magazine here, m/AskKbin won't thrive without you and your feedback is vital, so if you have any further suggestions or improvements, please do let me know!

Thank you and have a wonderful day :)

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