[-] Tarte@kbin.social 136 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

The article is badly researched.

This “red-green” coalition banned new reactors, announced a shutdown of existing ones by 2022

The red-green coalition did not announce the 2022 date. They (Greens/SPD) announced a soft phase-out between 2015-2020 in conjunction with building renewables. This planned shift from nuclear to renewables was reverted by Merkel (CDU = conservatives) in 2010. They (CDU) changed their mind one year later in 2011 and announced the 2022 date; but without the emphasis on replacing it with renewables. This back and forth was also quite the expensive mistake by the CDU on multiple levels, because energy corporations were now entitled financial compensation for their old reactors.

[-] Tarte@kbin.social 59 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

"Germany" = a German bank
"seizing money" = temporarily frozen bank account until a legal dispute is settled

[-] Tarte@kbin.social 42 points 5 months ago

Wer hier zu Besuch ist, nur um gegen unsere Verfassung zu hetzen, darf auch gerne wegbleiben. Passt schon.

[-] Tarte@kbin.social 46 points 8 months ago

Where to? Many of these people are born Germans. Do you believe the countries of their parents or grandparents are interested in taking in these nutjobs?

This is a German problem and we must solve it ourselves. More money for political education institutions and programs is sorely needed.

[-] Tarte@kbin.social 33 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

What you imply is a common misconception. Puritans did not flee to America in the early modern period because they were religiously persecuted. They fled to America because they were not allowed to religiously persecute others anymore. They were scolded because of their religious intolerance not because of their religion per se.

[-] Tarte@kbin.social 60 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Getting rid of misinformation is great.

That is the goal. The OP article and especially the headline here is misleading.

This is what is in the original letter regarding violent images: „repurposed old images of unrelated armed conflicts or military footage that actually originated from video games“.

The issue is not violent images per se. The issue is misinformation through violent images that are unrelated to the current events.

[-] Tarte@kbin.social 34 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

You don’t own franchise partners by definition. They are individually owned restaurants that pay you a fee to use your brand (name, menu, marketing, etc.).

„Shutting down“ here means: Don’t renew these franchise contracts. The restaurants will continue to exist, but they will have to rebrand and be less lucrative.

[-] Tarte@kbin.social 61 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I love this topic, keep the comments going! It gets even wilder/weirder when reading historical German monastary documents from the early modern period that sometimes mixed German numerical grammar with latin letters and abbreviations. For example this was a common way to write prices in the early 17th century in my region of study:

xiv C Lviұ f xxv bb iy d

All of this was in early modern German Kurrent (old cursive), of course, and with not always obvious whitespaces inbetween. The letters v and x looked somewhat similar, too, and you better don't miss the small strikethroughs anywhere in the lower or upper end of a letter which indicated "minus half" (except for the letter capital C which always has it). This is the kind of fun that brings me joy during my day while simultaneously providing the content for nightmares at night.

For some closure:
The short example would read as: (10+(5-1))*100 + 50+((5+3)-0.5) florin, 10+10+5 batzen, and 1+1+1 denari.
And that would translate to a price of 1457 ½ florin (guilders), 25 batzen (silver coin) and 3 denari (pennies).

[-] Tarte@kbin.social 33 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

This is a good opportunity to mention a pet-peeve of mine:

  • The various term variations "Germany" derive from the name Germanic tribes.
  • The various term variations "Alemania" derive from the name Alemanic tribes.
  • The various term variations "Deutsch" or "Teutsch" do not derrive from the name Teutonic tribes.

This last one is an etymological false friend. "Deutsch" derives from thiutisk (þeudisk) and in the Western Franconian and Germanic tongues it meant "our people". It's derived from the Indo-European term thiuda (Þiuda).

[-] Tarte@kbin.social 52 points 10 months ago

Frage 14 ist ein Volltreffer. Hut ab!

  1. Als du bei der Bundestagswahl 2021 gegen das Wahlgesetz verstoßen hast, indem du eine gefälschte Prognose während der laufenden Wahl auf Twitter veröffentlichtest, war das auch dein Bruder Helmut?
[-] Tarte@kbin.social 38 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

There is not. It‘s simply a strongly pro-Ukrainian website. Russian official propaganda and our tankies call everything that is critical of Russia‘s aggression „Nazism“ or „Fascism“. It is projection in its finest form, and borderline Orwellian.

The two words have lost all meaning in Russian propaganda and are simply used as a placeholder for „enemy“. They don’t seem to realize how absurd that makes them sound.

[-] Tarte@kbin.social 93 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

The title is lacking context. The original quote from the article regarding expected economic damages reads „billions of rubles“.

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