[-] Taniwha420@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

You think the Conservatives are going to FIX housing?

[-] Taniwha420@lemmy.world 0 points 2 days ago

That IS a British connector though, isn't it? That's not North American.

[-] Taniwha420@lemmy.world 8 points 2 days ago

Stupid cavemen. It makes way more sense the other way around. Just no ducks given about safety.

[-] Taniwha420@lemmy.world 19 points 2 days ago

I've been wondering a lot about absurdism in humour. There are people who laugh when they see something disastrous happen, like a man reflexively trying to stop a cement truck from tipping and getting squashed dead. Or a recent news story of the only fatality in a school bus crash: it was an observer who got hit by a vehicle as he ran across the highway to see if the kids were ok. A lot of the time this laughing response to a disaster is interpreted as schadenfreude, but a good portion of the time I believe it's absurdism.

We try so hard to have agency, to do something, but the World doesn't give a fuck. You have two choices when shit goes so wrong: you can wail about the unfairness of it all, or you can laugh at the absurdity of our efforts in the face of the colossal chaos of it all. The laughter is stronger.

It's interesting to me that some cultures seem to have absurd humour baked in. The Aussies and Kiwis seem to have it. They just make jokes about and laugh at the most horrific situations.

[-] Taniwha420@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

I've been wondering a lot about absurdist humour. Dan Carlin relates a story of an old Air Force colonel who

[-] Taniwha420@lemmy.world 5 points 2 days ago

Lots of good articles on Canadian brutality in WW1 if you do a search. As for war crimes in particular, here's one of many articles mentioning how Canadians killed prisoners of war:


[-] Taniwha420@lemmy.world 8 points 3 days ago

Birds are reptiles.

[-] Taniwha420@lemmy.world 6 points 3 days ago

I mean, we're kind of known for war crimes too. Was anyone in WW1 worse than the Canadians?

Trolls (lemmy.world)

I rather randomly picked up the first four books in this series a couple decades ago when I was in France. It was a rather new experience for me as a Canadian to read a graphic novel with adult content. It is funny! I also learned a lot of vernacular and adult French in the process. Plus, I really liked the vibrant art.

The Trolls are awesome.

[-] Taniwha420@lemmy.world 270 points 3 months ago

" ... and no identifiable tattoos."

[-] Taniwha420@lemmy.world 214 points 4 months ago

The article states that there was no known motive, but it also states that automated cars in SF have been attacking people and emergency vehicles, in addition to blocking traffic for human drivers.

It's pretty clear that this is the beginning of the anti-robot revolution.

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