Ei vaadi. Onnistuu ihan mukavasti yksityishenkilönä.
Suosittelen ryhtymään itse verkkotunnusvälittäjäksi. Se on erittäin helppoa ja halpaa.
Näitä takaovia tunnutaan hakevan nyt kaikkialla. En osaa päättää, onko kyseessä ehdottajien tietämättömyys vai välinpitämättömyys haavoittuvuuksista, jotka takaovet mahdollistaisivat.
Miksi tällainen korvaus on EU tasolla edes olemassa? Lobattu kovaa?
NovaCustom: Coreboot, Linux support, customizable, spare parts.
I have no personal experience, but their products seem nice, though expensive.
I replaced my old 1gbs router with a 2.5gbs one from Protectli! It has coreboot which was the ultimate deciding factor for me, even though it came at a premium.
Installing OpenWRT wasn't difficult, but configuring it correctly to use all the ports took some retries.
I also have been trying to install a pixelfed instance of my own on Podman, but no luck so far; I keep failing at the image building part. I wish they would release images of their own.
Hemmetin huono uutinen. Täytynee kirjoittaa lausuntopalveluun lausunto.
This looks exactly what I am looking for! I Thanks for the tip!
Thanks for the redommendation, those look quite nice, but are quite pricey too.
I was targeting the 2.5 gb/s local network, as I am starting to have equipment with 2.5 gig ports, so I might as well make use of them.
Thanks for the reply. Looking at this project now. What reverse proxy did you use? I have regular caddy already as a reverse proxy for other projects and I am wondering how I could use it here as well.
Joo, 9€ per domain ilman välikäsiä.