[-] SurvivalMariner@lemm.ee 1 points 2 days ago

Beware. The Stalker is somewhat more dangerous and camoflages!

Have fun :)


Good fun. Worth checking out!

[-] SurvivalMariner@lemm.ee 13 points 3 weeks ago

I use Linux, so not Nvidia. AMD is great. Good power for the money.

[-] SurvivalMariner@lemm.ee 8 points 1 month ago

They could maybe hire some testers. If you're removing beach properties, maybe test games that have beach properties. I have no idea how this falls through the gaps.

[-] SurvivalMariner@lemm.ee 29 points 1 month ago

Because MineClone2 is a dreadful name, and unfortunately, when ever anyone tries to differ anything slightly, a head can be taken clean off. The project doesn't want to be a full clone, but heavily inspired by, but with it's own direction. It needed to go.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.today/post/9316655

[...] the large margin by which the name VoxeLibre won the voting on Discord [...] The new name of this project will be VoxeLibre

[-] SurvivalMariner@lemm.ee 7 points 2 months ago

I'm yet to spend 1 penny on MTX and any game that has them, I avoid. It has been satisfying. Indie is QQQ for me. The Q is of course quality.

[-] SurvivalMariner@lemm.ee 6 points 2 months ago

No chance. Games will only grow. With so many good free engines, I cannot see people stopping making games.

I think with hardware, people bought PCs during the pandemic, and after (when GPU's became available), and after that, they had done their hardware refresh. Some of the bump from the year 2022 was likely because of people finally being able to get hold of their hardware. Because of the backlog catch up, 2023 would inevitably be a drop. Now they have a PC, the only question is whether you need a better monitor to support the hardware, and that would explain the growth of it now.

The only thing happening in the games industry is layoffs due to high interest rates. If interest rates are 2% and you make a 5% ROI, you make a profit. If interest rates are 8%, you're making a loss, so investment in games or any software ain't great at times of high interest. It'll likely bounce back as interest rates drop. I just hope more jobs are built within the indie sector rather than AAA.

Save 50% on Valheim on Steam (store.steampowered.com)

cross-posted from: https://lemm.ee/post/26410680

Absolute bargain price if you ask me. Played over 250 hours of Valheim. A great immersive game, and at this price, a bit too good to say no to if you haven't tried it. A survival must play.

Highly recommend.

[-] SurvivalMariner@lemm.ee 11 points 3 months ago

Agreed. If they can get an English speaking engineering lead, they would have so many applicants, especially with recent layoffs.

A techie with both language skills would be highly valuable to them.

[-] SurvivalMariner@lemm.ee 6 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I raised my concerns because it was multiple into the negative and I did not want this post or sub to get buried. There is a lot of negativity from folk that haven't played and probably don't even realise it's a survival game. Downvote whining is all about ones self and karma. It's from reddit, and you can downvote my comments all you want as it doesn't matter. I'm trying to build a small community up on Lemmy so you can go to it for gaming as well as tech. Small communities and posts on small communities get buried, then they die from lack of engagement.

What are you trying to do to benefit anything other than yourself (such as Lemmy)? Not seeing many posts, not seeing any communities you moderate...

[-] SurvivalMariner@lemm.ee 7 points 4 months ago

I don't usually go with new games. I tend to wait a few weeks or a month first for the hype to die down, see the reviews and wait for big bugs to be squashed, but really fancied the look of this one. Tried it, and I'm pleasantly surprised with how cohesive and smooth it is. I'm told it's quite like Ark: Survival Evolved (which I bought but never played) but without painful taming mechanics. Gave it a spin, and getting so much fun. Looking forward to my next time playing it.

Palworld (as a survival game...) (store.steampowered.com)
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by SurvivalMariner@lemm.ee to c/survivalgames@lemm.ee

Obviously it's a very hyped up game, and I was apprehensive posting this as they have sufficient marketing behind them already. It's meme'd as "Pokemon with Guns", but at its core is a very heavy survival play style.

Have you tried it? How many hours in are you?

If you have, what do you think? How does it stack up against other survival games for you?

My view is in the comments...

Edit: First 2 votes are downvotes and into minus immediately? I get you may not like the hype. Say it, but this is to also stimulate debate and build this community. We're off the lemm.ee first page and any downvote is just going to contribute to keeping this community buried when it needs a little oxygen. Do we really want another dead small community? It's also an opportunity to bring folk into survival games...

[-] SurvivalMariner@lemm.ee 5 points 4 months ago

It's an indie. Indies just piece stuff together based on the experience of their devs.

[-] SurvivalMariner@lemm.ee 7 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Project zomboid had to start again after flat got burgled and laptop gone. Offsite backups are key for theft and fire. Version control is the easiest and cheapest way.

Someone always knows someone that drinks, smokes and eats crap and lives until mid 90s. Doesn't mean it's good health advice.

Beware anecdotal evidence.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by SurvivalMariner@lemm.ee to c/community_requests@lemmy.ml

Hi. I'd like to revive and take over this community.

Could you also please remove the original admin? It's a 4 year old account and I cannot see any post or comment at all, so a dead account. Thanks.

Community info:



A post of mine:

https://lemmy.ml/post/10826569 (Maybe this is the best link?)


[-] SurvivalMariner@lemm.ee 8 points 4 months ago

Thanks for the update and information. You really set an example for communication and level headedness in decision making. Thanks for providing this space for us.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by SurvivalMariner@lemm.ee to c/communitypromo@lemmy.ca

A place for fans of survival games to discuss games and what they enjoy etc. or specific things about the games in the genre.

Whether you love Minecraft, Valheim, Project Zomboid, Subnautica or another. There is plenty to talk about. Come along, subscribe, and join in!

Survival Games@lemm.ee

Edit: !survivalgames@lemm.ee for a better link across instances (thanks InEnduringGrowStrong@sh.itjust.works)

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by SurvivalMariner@lemm.ee to c/survivalgames@lemm.ee

I have created the community and advertised it in new communities.

It would be good to get a logo for the sub if anyone has one. Maybe an axe or a campfire or something. If you have a link to a survival game sub, we can add that in to the community description to make it easier for survival fans to find the communities they care about. Hopefully this will start as a campfire community so we can get together, discuss and build a great corner here in Lemmy.

Feel free to kick off discussion, talk about a specific game, what you're playing now, or even ask questions about a specific game, and hopefully folks here may know the answers.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by SurvivalMariner@lemm.ee to c/newcommunities@lemmy.world

A place for fans of survival games to discuss games and what they enjoy etc. or specific things about the games in the genre.

Whether you love Minecraft, Valheim, Project Zomboid, Subnautica or another. There is plenty to talk about. Come along, subscribe, and join in!

Survival Games@lemm.ee


What features in survival games do you really love, and which do you really hate?

Is there a meta you really get annoyed by that every game seems to copy? What is something unique or cool in a game that really added something great?

I'll start. For me, the most annoying thing is the grindyness at times. First it's mine 2, then 10, then 30, then 50. It seems the only way survival games can make things harder at times is to increase resource cost.


Hey all. What's your favourite survival games?

For me, Project Zomboid, but I have a soft spot for Valheim and Minecraft.

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joined 5 months ago