[-] SuperFola@programming.dev 3 points 5 days ago

Just add 199 more transmistters

[-] SuperFola@programming.dev 16 points 1 week ago

Joke on them, I don’t read ads!


I’ve finally picked up an iPhone about a month ago, and have been loving the experience.

However I’m now thrown into an ad-full world again (I used to have a browser blocking many if not most ads on the android), so I’m wondering, what adblockers do you use (may it be safari extension or entirely new browser for my fellow Europeans)?

[-] SuperFola@programming.dev 14 points 1 month ago

And they justified with

I'm having a mental health crisis right now. What I said was wrong, I could not see that a few days ago. Take whatever you want from that. I am sorry. Please stop piling on now that I have removed everything. I am seriously ill and need to stop being involved in anything for several months.

(Leaving the end out as it can be triggering, talking about death)

I don't know what to make of this.

[-] SuperFola@programming.dev 51 points 1 month ago

I'm getting fed up about all those articles "rust x something: the future?", "I rewrote in rust it's now memory safe". I get the rust safeties and all, but that doesn't automatically make everything great, right ? You can still write shit code in any language that can RM -rf all your disk, or let security gaps here and there without intending to.



I've been working on this language for the past 5 years, ArkScript, which is:

  • as small as I could (language wise, 10 keywords, nothing I deemed too specific/useless)
  • running on a VM, compile once run anywhere, just ship your bytecode
  • can be used as a scripting language on its own, like python (though it's not its strength)
  • easy to embed, made in c++ 17 with simplicity in mind

I'm currently working on the v4 (I screwed up with the semver), redoing the imports syntax, and currently cleaning the code and rewriting all the unit tests using boosr-ext/ut.

I'm open to criticism, suggestions, discussions on how to enhance it, or just questions on that weird project.


I played BotW a lot, and really loved it. I feel like the beginning of the game was relatively easy compared to TotK, I died a few times trying out things, discovering the game and possibilities ; in TotK I died a lot and still do even with good gear and armour (1*-2* armors, 30-40+ damage weapons). You could say it's skill issues and I would agree with you as I am not a pro player and play games once a week maybe, however I feel like the difficulty curve is far greater in TotK. That has affected how I view the game to the point that sometimes I think I dislike it (even though the new powers are the best thing they could have added, with the verticality of the world) ; that might also have to do with the much darker ambiance of the game, which can feel frightening (to me) to the point going underground is hard.

Is it just me? Should I just "git gud"?

[-] SuperFola@programming.dev 27 points 7 months ago

There is still the journal you could use to recover the old state of your database. I assume you commited after your update query, thus you would need to copy first the journal, remove the updates from it, and reconstruct the db from the altered journal.

This might be harder than what I'm saying and heavily depends on which db you used, but if it was a transactional one it has to have a journal (not sure about nosql ones).

[-] SuperFola@programming.dev 47 points 8 months ago

Ask yourself: do you really need a performance boost or are you just chasing the numbers to avoid a non-existant problem?


New clear black shell to fit the IPS screen v3 from funny playing (no soldering needed! This is awesome, I can control the screen with just a touch on the GBA logo). I also added a rechargeable usb c battery, so far it is already lasting 2x longer thanks when I used AA (6 hours in, with a single charge, and medium brightness + sound).

Next steps would probably be:

  • cleanAmp, because I noticed some kind of white noise with my headphones plugged in
  • GBA accelerator to replace the stock clock (and make grinding in Pokémon Ruby faster probably)
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by SuperFola@programming.dev to c/ergomechkeyboards@lemmy.world

I wanted to experiment with a better pinky column, as for me using the bottom row with the pinky felt awkward and sometimes painful. Thus I created an alt version of my arkenswoop (swoop based), and named it the altenswoop because my brain thinks it is very original and funny. It will take some getting used to, and I'll need to get batteries for this prototype too!

Is there a proper name for this kind of pinky formation? I've seen this elsewhere too, and I'm calling it pinky cluster in reference to the thumb cluster but it doesn't feel right

Edit: I forgot to add a link to the PCB files: https://github.com/SuperFola/arkenswoop (under pcbs/3x5_nw_pinky_cluster)

[-] SuperFola@programming.dev 16 points 9 months ago

Thanks for the info

Definitely looks like a place you don't want to interact with

[-] SuperFola@programming.dev 17 points 9 months ago

For those not aware of any drama, could you spill the beans?

[-] SuperFola@programming.dev 32 points 9 months ago

Damn, I had to watch the video to compare with the review (I'm very skeptical of anything AI), and this is right on point


A few days ago I had this urge of making my own music player, since I have a Subsonic capable server (ampache) to host and serve music. I've been using DSub, which has a lot of features that I don't use, but works very very well. Alas it isn't "up to date" in terms of design.

So I made my own, heavily inspired by Android 13, Material 3 enabled, has dynamic colors / system theme fallback (a small thing that goes a long way, I didn't want to make an half baked customisation screen, since Android already has one why not use it?)

This was my very first Flutter and Dart experience, and I must say it was very enjoyable! The docs are awesome, there are a lot of plugins to choose from, hot reloading... I know now that I needed that feature, it's a must have to iterate quickly! I might have reduce the amount of time I slept the past few days but it was very well worth it.

Here is demo video https://imgur.com/a/SwOxcij (it has changed a bit since then, mostly on boarders/padding, by a few pixels at most but still relevant ; more up to date pictures on the readme of the github repo)!

https://github.com/SuperFola/FlSub (the code might not be perfect, but I did my best as a backend developper)

[-] SuperFola@programming.dev 15 points 10 months ago

Because it's opensource too. Works very well, vault is password protected and AES encrypted. Easy to configure, very lightweight.


Two years ago I started to follow RogueBasin's roguelike C++ tutorial, a somewhat outdated tutorial in term of good practices and C++ version, but very on point in term of roguelikes.

My goal when I started Pataro what quite ambitious: I wanted to make a modern C++ roguelike from the tutorial, and write an updated version of said tutorial to help the community! Even better (or worse, in term of choosing your goals) I thought I could make a modern C++ roguelike library for people to use.

I got the first 9 parts of the tutorial working pretty smoothly, having set up an architecture inspired by Bob Nystrom about game architecture with roguelikes in mind (great talk by the way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxI3Eu5DPwE). Then I got to a big hurdle: saving and loading. Having used a lot of polymorphism, it makes quite hard to load correctly things and I stopped there.

progress as of june 2021

Then a few weeks ago, I picked up the project again, with a much lower set of goals in mind:

  • finishing to implement the tutorial from RogueBasin
  • ease the configuration of the project, so that people can pick parts of it or just make a roguelike from it
  • fix a bunch of problems related to the map and how it is used to be able to extend it and modify it (imagine being able to have spells that could alter the map)
  • rearchitecture a few more things because it's still very rough on the edges
  • modernize the C++ code (again)

Progress as of july 2023

[-] SuperFola@programming.dev 41 points 10 months ago

People prefer having something generating shitty code and not checking it, instead of asking or searching on internet for a substantially better solution

[-] SuperFola@programming.dev 18 points 10 months ago

Fyi the devs aren't reading this (and probably won't be before long, since they are busy just coding a lot of features). Best place to ask for this is on the issue tracker (first check if it hasn't been asked before), even better implement it yourself if you can!

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joined 11 months ago