That would just be a life philosophy like Stoicism. Religion implies there are non falsifiable beliefs involved.

I knew I shouldn't have mentioned sausage on Lemmy. Some of y'all are too weird for me

This is only a problem because people imagine a potion has to have certain traits. Afaik, none of the rules as written specify that potions have to be more than a mouthful.

It isn't like potions are medicine, where you have to have a specific quantity to be effective. They're liquid magic. A single drop could carry whatever it does, though that would be less than useful because getting that single drop out of a bottle would be just as time consuming as chugging a bottle.

If you don't think of potions as being in a half pint sized bottle, the problem takes care of itself. A vial about two inches long and an inch in diameter, made of earthenware or even glass would hold enough of whatever to fill your mouth, be just as portable, and only take three to five seconds to use.

If you ignore having to swallow, it's even faster. It's magic, it could activate and affect you as soon as it's inside your body. Which also means rectal intake would work tbh.

There's plenty of fictional reference for potions being contact based, where the first drops start whatever change occurs. And there's basis good healing positions being able to be used topically, though that won't always apply to every injury.

But think about that for a second. If the potion has to be swallowed, that's pretty badly planned magic. The healing spells that healing potions are made from are contact based depending on the system. Touch ranged healing is fairly common. So, why can the healing potions not work if poured onto a wound? Why would you have to wait while you swallow, then let the magic burst from the stomach?

And, we know potions can be used on unconscious targets. Unconscious people can't always swallow anyway. So the full draught being swallowed is obviously preconception rather than something that is inherent to potion use.

The reason potion making in our world (hey, there's recipes for them, and people think they work, don't blame me) supposedly requires drinking the entire thing is that the ingredients are part of the magic, and the use of heat to reduce the potion beyond the initial making is "magically" going to break down what would work. Mind you, that's what people have claimed when the question is posed to them.

Working with real magic, you could reduce the liquid part, or hand wave it and say that the ingredients are consumed in making the potion, and thus don't require the same end volume.

And yes, I've thought about this way too much lol

I think you're right for most groups tbh. My group just happens to enjoy metagaming, rules lawyering etc, with some roleplay mixed in ofc. And since most people play DnD, you only have to learn it once a new edition gets popular.

As a js dev, I will gymnastically take that as a compliment

[-] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I thought we were doing grandma sex jokes

The thing is, I don't actually disagree with it. I don't care what other people do if it doesn't affect me, I just understand why and I'm willing to say it out loud.

The sources are... A bunch of tankie newsletters, a Medium article, and official Chinese reports? LOL talk about bias.

Do you really find it convincing that quantum randomness and unpredictable errors could give humans free will?

Again, Christianity is not relevant here. Majority Christianity is not the only alternative to majority Muslim.

No one said they were. You brought up Christianity in the first place.

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