[-] Smirk@sh.itjust.works 1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

A just world like Pala from aldous Huxleys:The island? Good read, highly recommended if you share the same mindset as me. Which, although not quite as far along the journey as me, you seem to.

[-] Smirk@sh.itjust.works 1 points 10 months ago

Wow, I scrolled through your history and landed one one random comment.

If you see humans default to this, it's only a reflection of yourself, and I mirror the guy who replied to you. Therepy would really help you.

Choose to see the good, or proliferate the bad, your choice.

[-] Smirk@sh.itjust.works 1 points 10 months ago

As expected, crickets. X

[-] Smirk@sh.itjust.works 1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

So, here we are.

You said your piece, and it turns out you're completely wrong in your assumptions, and instead of addressing that fact, and re-engageing me, you've ignored what I replied with. You stroked your ego initially by not engaging with me and addressing every one else in the thread, in a very shallow way I might add, but I do wonder how your ego is doing now? This is a potential learning point for you, but only you can decide to become better than the person you were a few days ago. I do hope.

Maybe you've just learnt the term sealioning, and it's your word of the week. You might carry on lambasting people based on your misguided interpretations, but I have hope you'll one day think critically about this interaction, and move forward with a new understanding.

I'll go out on a limb and assume you're American, young, and just immature and naive enough to think you have all the answers, which from my experience leaves you an "all or nothing" attitude, and so everything is a fight for you.

Unable to see nuance in conversation, especially over the Internet where context is very easily mistaken, I'll give you some friendly, human to human advice; sometimes people just want to learn, and not everything is a fight you have to take.

Based on the aggressive tone of your comment, seeing a legitimate question as a perceived slight at best, you might already be set in your ways.

To put it bluntly, you saw that you should gatekeep a learning moment for someone else, probably more or less on your side, trying to understand the nuance of the conversation.

I read something on here that makes a lot of sense to me, and so I'll repeat it here. The America DEI mentality is anything but inclusive, and is very confrontational to the point of working against what it's supposed to defend.

I recommend you read Aldous Huxleys:The island, and try to understand that compassion, not baseless vitriol, is the way we progress as a species.

If you take anything away from this, coming from someone far further along the left leaning path you're quite clearly on, to me you're just as bad as the people you vilify, such as the police in America. Your reaction without due cause is just as bad as theirs, thankfully you haven't nearly the power or influence they have, and if you are truly are as liberal as you think you are, I believe you're at least on the right path, even if your delivery and methods are synonymous with the right.

I wish you the best for the future.

Yours sincerely, the biggest advocate for a true functional utopia you'll ever have the pleasure of interacting with, online or in person.


[-] Smirk@sh.itjust.works 1 points 11 months ago

Apparently everyone who disagrees with you is a toxic troll. Look under your own shoe bro lol.

[-] Smirk@sh.itjust.works 1 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Hmm I was 27 years a meat eater, advocating for meat consumption in the face of a vegan mate. Saying things like "we need a little bit of meat in our diets...they're killed humanely...etc"

Took me one moment of realisation, then I dunno, I just tried, not even that hard, vegan 7 years now.

I can see that the transitional foods are a good stepping stone, but imo, the second you see inside the animal agriculture industry without any blinders on (biases), you'll choose to act within your life, if you have the compassion/empathy to.

If someone sees the reality of what goes on behind closed doors and continues to consume animals in much the same way, it says more about that persons internal morality than anything else.

[-] Smirk@sh.itjust.works 1 points 11 months ago

You said it yourself, but yeah you do misunderstand.

Like I said it's not meant for people like you. It's meant for people who I don't need to convince that what we unnecessarily do is wrong, you'll feel it if you have the empathy, and that's entirely on you and your morality bro.

The people this will reach and make think, will tell people what needs to be done, and even when they know, and don't want to do it because irrelevant reasons, they STILL do what needs to be done, because compassion.

If you don't get it, it's OK! It's not meant to "be got" by you.

Take care, try be better bro x

[-] Smirk@sh.itjust.works 2 points 11 months ago

It's not meant for you. I can assume it's meant for people whom it does bother, and also don't know.

[-] Smirk@sh.itjust.works 1 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Nothing of value to add?


[-] Smirk@sh.itjust.works 1 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

And you still support animal abuse when you don't have to.

Take care, and try and lead a better life mate.

[-] Smirk@sh.itjust.works 1 points 11 months ago

Not worth my time.

Please try and lead a better life.

[-] Smirk@sh.itjust.works 1 points 1 year ago

The thing people misunderstand is PETA isn't a monolith, there are always going to be outliers that the media can hold up as an example of why people shouldn't support them.

Sometimes PETA (intentionally?) overshoot, that happens when you try to move the border of current perceptions (i.e. animals are objects to be used for food, clothes, entertainment). I am not here to defend their tone or (lack of) tact, and there are a number of (sometimes downright stupid) PETA-campaigns I disagree with. I'm not trying to convice you to become their friend, but at least judge them for what they are doing, not for what they are said to do.

it might be against Reddit blind circle jerks but PETA has done heck a lot to fight against animal cruelty and they are extremely effective at passing legislations Here are just few examples.


PETA’s first undercover investigation resulted in an end to crippling experiments on monkeys, the first-ever police raid on an animal-testing laboratory, the first animal experimentation case ever heard by the U.S. Supreme Court, and the first-ever prosecution and conviction of an animal experimenter on cruelty-to-animals charges. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver_Spring_monkeys

A PETA undercover investigation results in the first conviction of an experimenter for animal abuse and the first withdrawal of federal research funds because of cruelty to animals.

PETA exposed and shut down the U.S. Army’s plan to shoot dogs at an indoor firing range, leading the military to ban the use of dogs, cats, and primates in wound experiments and training.


PETA gets a U.S. Department of Defense underground “wound lab” shut down and achieves a permanent ban on shooting dogs and cats in military wound laboratories.


PETA closes down a Texas slaughterhouse operation in which 30,000 horses were trucked in and left to starve in frozen fields without shelter.


After PETA publicizes the gross mistreatment of animals at City of Hope in California, the government suspends more than $1 million of the laboratory’s federal funding.


As a result of PETA’s campaign, the SEMA research laboratory in Maryland stops confining chimpanzees to isolation chambers.


PETA stops a plan by Cedars-Sinai, California’s largest hospital, to ship stray dogs from Mexico to California for experiments.


For the first time, PETA conducts a year-long undercover investigation at Biosearch, a cosmetics and household product testing laboratory, uncovering more than 100 violations of federal and state anti-cruelty laws.


PETA President Ingrid Newkirk addresses some of the 35,000 people attending PETA’s Animal Rights Music Festival at the Washington Monument on June 11, 1988. It’s a breakthrough event that puts PETA on the pop-culture radar screen, with extensive coverage on MTV, thanks to headliners The B-52s, Natalie Merchant, and Howard Jones.


PETA persuades Avon, Benetton, Mary Kay, Amway, Kenner, Mattel, and Hasbro to stop testing on animals. Note: Many of these companies have started testing on animals again in order to sell their products in China.


After PETA exposes the backstage beating of orangutans by Las Vegas entertainer Bobby Berosini, his wildlife permit is suspended and his show closes.


PETA’s first sensational vegetarian commercial is “Meat Stinks” with Grammy winner k.d. lang in July 1990. The spot gets her banned on country radio networks but draws such massive coverage that her album goes gold! Her gold record still adorns the walls of the Sam Simon Center, PETA’s Virginia headquarters.


PETA’s “Silver Spring monkeys” case marks the first animal experimentation case ever heard by the U.S. Supreme Court.The court gives a unanimous, positive ruling


PETA’s undercover investigation into foie gras production prompts the first-ever police raid on a factory farm. PETA convinces many restaurants to stop selling the vile product.


PETA’s “Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur” campaign is launched on the streets of Tokyo outside a Japanese fur expo on February 18, 1992. Led by PETA staff member Dan Mathews and Julia Sloane, the protest makes headlines around the world and leads to PETA’s iconic naked celebrity ad series.


All car-crash tests on animals stop worldwide following PETA’s hard-hitting campaign against General Motors’ use of live pigs and ferrets in crash tests.



A California furrier is charged with cruelty to animals after a PETA investigator films him electrocuting chinchillas by clipping wires to the animals’ genitals. In another undercover exposé, PETA catches a fur rancher on videotape causing minks to die in agony by injecting them with a weedkiller. Both fur farms agree to stop these cruel killing methods.


Less than a month after PETA supporters occupy Calvin Klein‘s office in New York—an action that leads to a meeting between the designer and a PETA representative—Klein announces that he will no longer design with fur, the first major fashion designer to do so.


PETA persuades Mobil, Texaco, Pennzoil, Shell, and other oil companies to cover their exhaust stacks after showing how millions of birds and bats have become trapped in them and been burned to death.


PETA’s efforts lead to the first-ever cruelty charges filed against a factory farmer for cruelty to chickens for allowing tens of thousands of chickens to starve to death. The president of the company ultimately pleads guilty.


Following PETA’s campaign, NASA pulls out of Bion—a joint U.S., French, and Russian experiment in which monkeys wearing straitjackets were to have electrodes implanted in their bodies and be launched into space.


PETA convinces Gillette to observe a moratorium on animal testing after a colorful years-long campaign, including the presentation of shareholder resolutions at Gillette’s annual meetings and support from compassionate celebrities Paul McCartney, Lily Tomlin, Hugh Grant, and Elizabeth Hurley.


A PETA investigation that documented the anal electrocution of foxes leads to the first-ever guilty plea by a fur rancher to cruelty-to-animals charges.


PETA succeeds in getting Taiwan to pass its first-ever law against cruelty to animals after the group rescues countless dogs from being beaten, starved, electrocuted, and drowned in Taiwan’s pounds.


Undercover investigations into pig-breeding factory farms in North Carolina and Oklahoma reveal horrific conditions and daily abuse of pigs, including the fact that one pig was skinned alive, leading to the first-ever felony indictments of farm workers.


PETA conducts an undercover investigation into the Nielsen Farmspuppy mill in Kansas, which reveals extremely small enclosures and rampant sickness, abuse, and death. Our investigation leads to the closure of the facility and a $20,000 fine from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The Nielsens are also “permanently disqualified from being licensed” by the USDA.


PETA’s grassroots campaign, Congressional testimony, and scientific documentation drivethe White House and the EPA to spare 800,000 animals from chemical toxicity testing in the high production volume chemical-testing program.

As many as 4.5 million animals were sparedfrom chemical tests in a massive European Union testing program after PETA provided documentation of duplicative testing. This may be the largest victory for animals that has ever occurred.


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