[-] Skua@kbin.social 10 points 17 hours ago

NASA's design is a few kilometres long and accelerates the vehicle at about 3 G up to roughly Mach 1. The technology is the same principle as a railgun, but it's more like a maglev train with a track that ends pointing upwards a bit

[-] Skua@kbin.social 6 points 18 hours ago

It's nothing to do with it being an acronym, it's just because the first sound pronounced is a vowel sound. Similarly, it's "an FPS", "an ATM", and "an SUV", but "a PPV event" and "a USB stick"

[-] Skua@kbin.social 16 points 1 day ago

I think you're missing what an "effective tax rate" is. If your country's income tax is 0% on the first 10k, 10% on the next 10k, and 20% after that and you earn 40k, your effective tax rate is:

  • 0 on the first 10k
  • 1k on the next 10k
  • 4k on the remaining 20k
  • 5k total out of 40k = 12.5% effective tax rate

The wiki page does not show that data.

[-] Skua@kbin.social 6 points 1 day ago

I'm going to assume that the ladysitter is the most responsible friend on a hen night

[-] Skua@kbin.social 10 points 1 day ago

As if this picture wasn't hard enough already, dude was 2m / 6'7" tall and in that photo he's wearing a polar bear that he killed himself

[-] Skua@kbin.social 11 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)
[-] Skua@kbin.social 9 points 3 days ago

That was the wildest half hour of video I have ever watched

[-] Skua@kbin.social 5 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Round trip efficiency of modern pumped storage hydro is about 80%. How is that horrible if 72% is decent?

Pumped hydro obviously does have drawbacks in that it requires you to have the water and suitable landscape available to dedicate to it, but efficiency doesn't seem to be one of them

[-] Skua@kbin.social 2 points 3 days ago

I don't feel comfortable putting that much important stuff in one thing. If I lose my phone or my wallet, the other can do a lot to help cover for it until I get a replacement

[-] Skua@kbin.social 20 points 3 days ago
[-] Skua@kbin.social 3 points 4 days ago

She's a Star by James. The only part I could remember was the "star" part of the chorus, which is not exactly an easy lyric to decipher when you hear it on a supermarket radio. Eventually I found it by buying a James CD and running into that track by chance

[-] Skua@kbin.social 32 points 5 days ago

The advantage of making fuels from plants isn't in them burning cleaner, it's in the fact that growing the plants takes carbon out of the atmosphere. That means that the carbon released upon burning them was carbon that was already recently in the atmosphere, as opposed to being deep underground like it was with fossil fuels

That doesn't negate the issues of land use changes and similar, but in terms of plain old net carbon emissions they absolutely are better

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