Imagining something fantastic like living in an asteroid mine and managing things. Or trying to not think anything. Both works for me. And of course working 60h a week and spending my whole free time with my kids leaving me completely exhausted falling in coma in a second. Good night!
Nee, Vaddi trennt die 56k Verbindung, weil er telefonieren muss!
Now I have become dad, the light switcher, saviour of the kilowatts.
Habe mal in einen Ziegelstein in falscher Drehrichtung gebohrt, die Spitze glühte und schmolz, in anderer Richtung ging es wie durch Butter
Und bitte beim Bohren das Gerät in die richtige Drehrichtung schalten. Sonst wundert ihr euch nach dem zweiten geschmolzenen Bohrer was das für eine verfickt harte Wand vor euch ist.
This ist me in the picture. And then the question 'do you floss regularly' followed by awkward silence.
Thanks, this is really better! ;-)
Everybody: Cool robot dinosaurs. Me: creep dreams are made of this.
AI will fail at Mine!
Read about Oracle actively investigating user if there is a business usecase and charging insane amounts of money.
This looks like speeddating with her mother rating you.