[-] Scrof@sopuli.xyz 103 points 2 months ago

People wear shoes indoors? That sounds utterly barbaric to me lol

[-] Scrof@sopuli.xyz 147 points 2 months ago

The very existence of this comic points to a sad reality. Is it exaggerated? Probably. But it's a damn cartoon, it's supposed to be.

[-] Scrof@sopuli.xyz 111 points 6 months ago

Such a stupid system. How is Ukraine unsuitable for EU and NATO membership until it passes some reforms and Hungary is a part of EU and NATO while actively sabotaging and hating on both?

[-] Scrof@sopuli.xyz 133 points 6 months ago

And killing children.

[-] Scrof@sopuli.xyz 70 points 8 months ago

Most of these hit close to home, except that I'm obsessively punctual, check my messages even when there are no new notifications and my file system is a work of art that I can spend hours organizing. But that goddamn chair though...

[-] Scrof@sopuli.xyz 97 points 9 months ago

Would've been newsworthy if it wasn't the case

[-] Scrof@sopuli.xyz 89 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

48 hours without water? Absolutely not. There is a high probability of exiting a cripple or dead, at least for me. Not to mention my medicine.

[-] Scrof@sopuli.xyz 107 points 9 months ago
[-] Scrof@sopuli.xyz 106 points 9 months ago

Can confirm. Fight the power, fuck the system and all that jazz. I was told it was my "maximalism of the youth", a phase that would pass, but I only become more and more radical in my views as I mature, so that was a fucking lie.

[-] Scrof@sopuli.xyz 141 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

The Hobbit. Probably not the worst movies with not the worst bastardisation (that'd be The Dark Tower for me), but I simply can't wrap my mind around the overbloated monstrosity that the Hobbit TRILOGY is. Like why would anyone do this, it felt like it's in the bag, they got Peter Jackson, they already made LotR to great success, why do we suddenly need wacky wheels with cartoon CG goblins in 48 FPS for some reason... It doesn't even match neither the tone of the book nor the tone of LotR movies.

[-] Scrof@sopuli.xyz 91 points 10 months ago

Are my standards through the floor if I find that it looks half-ok?

[-] Scrof@sopuli.xyz 70 points 10 months ago

Nature why are you like that?

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