[-] RinseDrizzle@midwest.social 7 points 2 days ago

Big differences between fashion aesthetic and average Joe's home decor. There was certainly a bit more subtlety to it than what media boild it down to.

[-] RinseDrizzle@midwest.social 5 points 3 days ago

Growing into those big eyes is a nice touch too

[-] RinseDrizzle@midwest.social 4 points 4 days ago

Woah, memories.

We grow up so fast.

[-] RinseDrizzle@midwest.social 24 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Bit misty this morning...

[-] RinseDrizzle@midwest.social 2 points 5 days ago

The dodge/sprint mechanic has taken some getting used to as well. Definitely need to be less aggressive than I was with Zag. Then again, maybe I'm just used to end game Zag...

So far I've been grabbing whatever weapon is hungry for bones, then configuring cards to play style that seems best. In short, usually focused on whether or not I'm up close and personal, or kiting while keeping distance.

Man, feels so good getting to experience a Hades for the first time again. SuperGiant doesn't miss

[-] RinseDrizzle@midwest.social 4 points 5 days ago

Cheers! Stuff like this is wild. Might need to tinker a bit.

[-] RinseDrizzle@midwest.social 2 points 5 days ago

Oh yeah, definitely still trying to unlock more cards for better synergy. I was dummy and like, misunderstood how the 0 cost cards worked so made some foolish purchases.

Only a matter of time..

[-] RinseDrizzle@midwest.social 2 points 5 days ago

Man, 2nd guardian is a tough fight! Maybe I'm still too early game for it, or maybe I just need to hit gud. They hit like moose though. Had a build with serious damage but still too squishy.

Makes me nervous to see what's yet to come!

[-] RinseDrizzle@midwest.social 7 points 5 days ago

How was this made?

[-] RinseDrizzle@midwest.social 73 points 2 months ago

Ooh, I can answer this one:


[-] RinseDrizzle@midwest.social 72 points 2 months ago

It's honestly so fucked...

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by RinseDrizzle@midwest.social to c/baldurs_gate_3@lemmy.world

First off, game is great!

So I made a Dragonborn for Godzilla, and got a buddy to help build an Orc for King Kong. (I'll try to upload a proper shot of my dudes later). Went lightning breath attack (mostly for the blue color) but maybe should be radiant or necrotic to better emulate atomic breath.

Godzilla is a monk/draconic sorcerer for unarmed attacks and various elemental damage. King Kong is a monk/barbarian for unarmed and rage, extra jumpy. Although sometimes he leans into Donkey Kong and hurls barrels.

Early game I've needed Gale for enlarge person. Should respec another buddy for a second enlarge. Ideally it would be peak excellence if I could make them colossal more reliably and shrink enemies for maximum size difference. I've managed to brew like 2 elixers, but still find ingredients a bit too few to do that often. Also [MAYBE SPOILER??] juuust tucking into underdark at level 5.

Wondering if anyone else has inspired ideas on how these Kings of Monsters can live their best lives. I also love how this game makes such an absurd run remotely viable in the first place!

Please also share any silly meme builds you've been brewing!


Basically title. Been DJ'n for a hot minute and wondering how people are adding to their collections. Mostly mix House, DnB, Dub, Hip-hop, Lofi, and plenty of genre-blurring niche experimental biz.

Some of the stuff I have was inherited from others, some of questionable quality. Lately I've been inspired to tidy up my collection with high quality stuff. Fundamental issue is if I paid a dollar for every song I want to spin, I would be financially ruined forever.

Do you use a service? Do you pirate? Do you find giveaways? How are you filling your catalogue with proper high-quality ammo?

[-] RinseDrizzle@midwest.social 74 points 10 months ago

Now I just want an accurate infographic of "safe" combustible plastics.

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