Birdie obsesses over the stupidest things
As an Italian I can tell you that her “lasagna” is tragic 🤣
She’s the laziest POS!!! Seriously get off your ass and do something other than sitting in a glam chair getting made up for yet another even that you unfortunately get invited to. Lazy sack of shit
God I can’t stand her and her phoney bullshit. Botox for “migraines” bitch sit down. I am a lifelong chronic intractable migraine sufferer and can smell her bullshit from Milton. She’s such a fraud
He’s so cringey. Does he even have a job?!
My thoughts exactly
I’d love more details on that!!
Was birdshit the other woman to Shane?? If so she’s pretty cocky in her stories today about how she “landed” him with her belly 😒
I love this community 🥰😂
Give me a fuc*ing break! An apron?! For all that cooking you do? The lazy sack that you are! And also shocked that you actually paid for something yourself for once
She makes me sick. Does she spend a dime of her own money?? Ever??
Can’t we restart it?