
joined 3 months ago
[–] 16 points 3 months ago (4 children)

I used to like her but her authenticity is LONG GONE. Not sure who she thinks she is but she’s realllllly trying hard to be a celebrity. I’m quite frankly sick and tired of the free ride she’s getting - and for what? Being a phoney “body positivity” advocate? She’s full of Botox, fillers and cosmetic procedures, fake hair, fake nails, and the list goes on. Ffs be a mother to your baby!! Put your toddler in a program with other kids!! That poor kid lives in the Nana K bubble and maybe gets to go to Disney a couple times a year 🤦🏻‍♀️ My friend reached out to the bird to advertise her children’s clothing line - remember when the bird was all about “SUPPORT LOCAL”?? Ya well she will only support you if you pay her 25K USD PER STORY!! Plus free merchandise. EW, how disgusting she is!!!

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