[-] RaivoKulli@sopuli.xyz 32 points 8 months ago

The article really is just about how she responded to a thing. Not even mentioning in title if she did it in a noteworthy way or anything, just that she responded. Amazing

[-] RaivoKulli@sopuli.xyz 45 points 8 months ago

Seems like most of the blame goes there but

a bridge that had collapsed nearly a decade earlier.

Lawyers for the Paxsons allege that several people have tried to flag the washed-out bridge to Google and have included email correspondence between a Hickory resident who tried to use the “suggest an edit” feature in 2020 to get the company to address the issue. Google never responded to the suggestion, allege attorneys.

It's collapsed a decade ago and they've even tried to get Google to mark it so on their maps, unsuccessfully. Google must have some responsibility to the maps and routing.

[-] RaivoKulli@sopuli.xyz 31 points 8 months ago

I doubt it will do much of anything not to name it.

[-] RaivoKulli@sopuli.xyz 35 points 8 months ago

Thanks. I read the article but (from my reading) they left out the most important part out: how it spreads and infects a machine. Sometimes they make a huge deal about a Linux backdoor and then it's revealed right at the end (if at all) that it requires local access. Wah whaa. Now I have to scan every article to see what the actual method is.

[-] RaivoKulli@sopuli.xyz 45 points 8 months ago

It's not being told as a real story but as a joke

[-] RaivoKulli@sopuli.xyz 111 points 8 months ago

I blame the enemy level scaling

[-] RaivoKulli@sopuli.xyz 45 points 8 months ago

"You shouldn't use this window manager because their community is toxic"

"I'm not going to interact with the community"

Seems fair enough

[-] RaivoKulli@sopuli.xyz 67 points 8 months ago

Quite a few people have trouble imagining what pigeons did before humans built cities for them to live in. Someone even said pigeons in trees look "creepy" lol

[-] RaivoKulli@sopuli.xyz 48 points 8 months ago

Devious Russian plan to gather intelligence: bother dumb people with inaccuracies to get them to leak the docs

[-] RaivoKulli@sopuli.xyz 31 points 9 months ago

Ah, I see the stereotype of everyone thinking of themselves as "lazy genius" is something we've carried over from Reddit. We're all above average intelligent and could really achieve something if we just bothered to work hard and apply ourselves!


[-] RaivoKulli@sopuli.xyz 86 points 9 months ago

For the same price


[-] RaivoKulli@sopuli.xyz 49 points 9 months ago

Or you'd get the one both have backdoors on

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