I put in a user voice feature request. I'm trying to move off of onedrive and moved a spreadsheet file into proton mail. I tried a few apps to edit it, but it says that the file is read-only.

For now, I'm keeping the file in onedrive


I've done a backup of some photos, but it looks like the share link is only available when I select one, but goes away when I select two.

Between this and no albums, it's hard for me to get off of my original cloud provider.

[-] RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee 4 points 2 days ago

Good question. I just got the service and did that, but now that you say it that doesn't sound right

[-] RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee 8 points 2 days ago

I'll just point out I've had a lot of landlords and never had one do that. Nor have I known one. While they may exist, I'll count it in the realm of "I'll likely never see one in my lifetime." Or maybe I'll see one. So to me, the Good Landlord is a theoretical or a parable.

[-] RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee 11 points 2 days ago

Well done 🤣

[-] RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee 5 points 6 days ago

Well, the spectrum could be more like a sphere or multidimensional instead of a line? Then ordering would be more complicated

[-] RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee 1 points 6 days ago

Roasted corn

[-] RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee 29 points 6 days ago

Didn't this show up in Google AI recently?

[-] RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee 4 points 6 days ago

I was just reminded of a Christian movie, might have been Megiddo flame or something, or left behind? Where the evil villains of the show, the anti-christ, were very ominously talking of their plans to...end world hunger and bring world peace like MWAH AHAHAHA!

That's the sort of people christians call bad guys. And it wasn't just in movies, I heard stuff like that all the time in church.


Let’s say that I may only read one or two, as I’m not a prolific reader. What do you think I should get?


Let's say that I may only read one or two, as I'm not a prolific reader. What do you think I should get?


The Banana Wars were a series of US military interventions in Latin America from 1898 to 1934. Why are they relatively understudied, and why are they called banana wars?


A really good presentation on using FSharp to get high performing code, specifically for an implementation of a topological sort

[-] RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee 105 points 1 month ago

I love that Boeing is a verb now

[-] RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee 76 points 2 months ago

Reminds me at my university once, there was a guy who was going to jump off of the dorm and the psych professor was trying to talk him out of it. Then the cop shows up with "Don't jump or I'll shoot!" and points a gun at him.

The psych prof was like ( ;- _ -)

GMail (lemm.ee)
submitted 4 months ago by RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee to c/196@lemmy.world
[-] RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee 158 points 4 months ago

...as well as a misdemeanor charge of sheltering an unmarried minor...

Hol' up a minute with that last bit

submitted 6 months ago by RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee to c/news@lemmy.world

A newly updated government map has many of the nation's gardeners rushing online, Googling what new plants they can grow in their mostly warming regions.


When I click on a post's ... Menu and then on the user's ... And select block, when I go under my settings and look at blocked users, nothing is there.



From CIA-backed coups and genocidal civil wars in Guatemala and El Salvador to the US invasion of Panama, Central America is still living with the legacy and ongoing violence of US imperialism.

submitted 6 months ago by RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee to c/usa@lemmy.ml

Podcast/transcript: From CIA-backed coups and genocidal civil wars in Guatemala and El Salvador to the US invasion of Panama, Central America is still living with the legacy and ongoing violence of US imperialism.

[-] RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee 71 points 9 months ago

"As teens take to cars, parents ask: Is this freedom or danger?"

[-] RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee 146 points 9 months ago

Good news is it's not really a risk. Bad news is it's a guarantee.

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