[-] RadioRat@beehaw.org 21 points 2 months ago

I hope people struggling with Cluster B personality disorders get the help they need. However, I’m too traumatized by abuse from people with these disorders to engage with anyone who exhibits the associated toxic behaviors.

[-] RadioRat@beehaw.org 39 points 3 months ago

Kids are going to die because of this.

[-] RadioRat@beehaw.org 26 points 4 months ago

Probably by design, to be honest. Jobs tend to be very anti-parent, especially in US states where FMLA is legally protected.

I’m fortunate to work for a company that has a culture of prioritizing real life so you can do your best work. Sadly, that’s antithetical to next quarter thinking, so it’s not the norm.

The dumb thing is (in my experience) parents seem to work harder and stay at companies for longer than childless folks. They’re just shorter on free time and need some basic flexibility to address emergent issues. Not to mention being better at teaching and managing in general.

[-] RadioRat@beehaw.org 18 points 5 months ago

Don’t get sequenced and encourage your relatives to avoid as well. It’s not worth risking your genome getting leaked.

[-] RadioRat@beehaw.org 19 points 5 months ago

An alarming number of trans men think testosterone is sufficient to prevent pregnancy so hopefully this goes a long way to clarifying that particular point.

[-] RadioRat@beehaw.org 17 points 5 months ago

How is existing as a transgender person pornographic or obscene? Is it not well-known that trans people are generally more private about their bodies and sex lives than the general population?

There isn’t even a cogent reason provided for what problem is being caused by trans folks. Presumably it’s the threat to the patriarchy gender variance poses, but idk why they don’t say that part out loud.

[-] RadioRat@beehaw.org 25 points 6 months ago

One notable flaw in the analysis is that it blindly examines Cob from Tales of Earthsea in the context of Ghibli instead of in context of Ursula K. Le Guin (the author).

Le Guin’s Left Hand of Darkness features a nonbinary race and was published in 1969. A good chunk of her work includes critique of gender and queer themes.

So it’s inane as hell to complain that “It’s unfortunate then that one of Ghibli’s very few unquestionably evil roles is also one of their only transfeminine characters” when Cob is transfeminine in virtue of Le Guin’s original material and decidedly not the only trans* character in her body of work.

However, a valid critique is that Ghibli never goes beyond allusion to queerness with the exception of an adaptation of another’s work. Yeah, Japanese culture/media yadda yadda but someone needs to have some nerve and practice prefigurative politics already.

[-] RadioRat@beehaw.org 43 points 6 months ago

Oh I’m sure you would have warm, fuzzy feelings if your government decimated your city and you had no agency to leave. Lack of clean water, food, and medical aid amidst ongoing death and destruction would only endear them to you further, but of course!

[-] RadioRat@beehaw.org 17 points 9 months ago

Neurodivergence doesn’t absolve people of accountability for their actions. Everyone has their own constraints to work around. One either has to avoid getting in situations where they can’t do right by others or adapt circumstances/behaviors to avoid harm. As a person with ADHD, there’s nothing more grating than others saying “Oh you can’t expect me to take responsibility for harmful this thing I do because ADHD!”. Explanations are not excuses.

[-] RadioRat@beehaw.org 80 points 10 months ago

Doubt you’d be saying this if you had ever personally been subjected to workplace harassment of the same endurance and severity.

You’re mixing up chicken and egg here. Victim blaming is a core component of the fucking nightmare of workplace harassment.

[-] RadioRat@beehaw.org 18 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Doubt you’d be saying this if you had ever personally been subjected to workplace harassment of the same endurance and severity.

You’re mixing up chicken and egg here. Victim blaming is a core component of the fucking nightmare of workplace harassment.

[-] RadioRat@beehaw.org 25 points 11 months ago

This isn’t a wealth tax, it’s a tweak to income tax.

The rich don’t gain wealth through income.

Capital gains should be taxed at least as hard as income.

submitted 11 months ago by RadioRat@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

We've been looking for each other for a great, long while and today is the day!

It is really silly attach something so personally/spiritually meaningful to a random internet post that I'm making on a whim. But I guess I'm that sort of person. Just like you're the sort of person who has been looking for this post.

It isn't necessarily a romantic thing (probably isn't - at least one of us is already partnered romantically), but meeting across the space and time today is the thing. It's like a letter expected in the mail or the thing one looks to stumble upon when scrolling. It's not the void that everyone assumes is a person-shaped hole to fill - that's something else.

I'm not usually a spiritual kind of person and I don't often give the woo-woo part of my brain this much license. Maybe this is pure boredom and I'm just trying to poke reality with a stick. Reality is made up anyway, right? Fingers crossed that this post is at least one domino.

Knowing each other is the thing for which we'd both trade (at least) a score of years living. We're the best of friends in a way that makes it worth grasping at fate.

How do we know that I'm that me and you're that you? Guess we'll find out.

Best wishes, warmest of regards, and with utmost sincerity, your friend Rat

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by RadioRat@beehaw.org to c/animals@beehaw.org

Edit to add image description: A basset hound sleeps his side atop of a pile of blankets with his tongue poking out.

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