[-] Prandom_returns@lemm.ee 0 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Photoshop IS garbage. That pile of shit STILL can't do 32-bit. It's amateur software.

Affinity Photo is on another planet compared to photoshop.

Gimp is not evem worth mentioning. Burn it to the ground and start fresh.

[-] Prandom_returns@lemm.ee 7 points 4 days ago

I think it's just a diet.

[-] Prandom_returns@lemm.ee 2 points 4 days ago

Use either School buses, or Football fields pls.

[-] Prandom_returns@lemm.ee 1 points 5 days ago

I wish this was an option for more passenger planes. Not that they need it. But I'd like to know they have it lol

[-] Prandom_returns@lemm.ee 3 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Because he's the pride and token of US (and their greenwashing). AND the US already poured too much of the taxpayers' money into SpaceX & Tesla. To announce that they basically got granny-scammed by one loudmouth would be to destroy your international cred.

[-] Prandom_returns@lemm.ee 1 points 6 days ago

I can back up my feelings, I just don't have to. Not when I'm "required to present proof" by a rando with an internet access.

[-] Prandom_returns@lemm.ee -2 points 6 days ago

Google, I'm not your personal assistant.

[-] Prandom_returns@lemm.ee 3 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)


Yes, you are out of the loop.

[-] Prandom_returns@lemm.ee 8 points 6 days ago

Can he stay out of jail by then?

[-] Prandom_returns@lemm.ee 1 points 6 days ago

I'm a human, I can make mistakes in the heat of the moment. I've had friend couples I know get pregnant even though they're "professional condom putters onners".

[-] Prandom_returns@lemm.ee -2 points 6 days ago

Condoms are only 99% effective. You NEED a second layer of defence.


Quite literally. How come when we feel "confused", we start getting the need to expel the contents from our stomach?

I get that we get sea-sick because of "mixed signals" coming in to our brain. But why do we feel nauseous? How come the centre of the problem becomes the stomach, and not some sort of heightened sense of needing to find balance?

Hope this question makes at leasr some sense. Thanks!

[3.22 Info] New Gems info (www.pathofexile.com)
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Prandom_returns@lemm.ee to c/pathofexile@lemm.ee

In the Trial of the Ancestors expansion, notifications for Trade Requests, Guild Invitations, PvP Challenges, Party Invitations, and the all new Hideout Invitation have distinct icons.


"In Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors, you'll be able to hold the Alt key while hovering over a stack of Currency Items in the trade window to see the total quantity being offered."


"If you'd like to play a Damage over Time build but don't have time to wait around for Ailments to deal Damage, check out Sadism Support! It causes supported Skills to have less Ailment Duration and deal Damage with Ailments Faster."


Devour Support causes Killing Blows from Supported Skills to consume corpses to Recover Life and Mana.

submitted 10 months ago by Prandom_returns@lemm.ee to c/pathofexile@lemm.ee

Spells supported by Spellblade Support have added Spell Damage equal to a percentage of Damage of Equipped One-Hand Melee Weapons. Whoever said a sword couldn't channel magic just as well as a wand, anyway?

submitted 10 months ago by Prandom_returns@lemm.ee to c/pathofexile@lemm.ee
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